Chapter 3: A Hybrid Boy

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Dawn: you don't understand....

Callie and Marie stood across from Dawn as she wore her Agent 3 uniform and cape, clenching her hero shot and holding in tears. Marie slowly walked over to Dawn and reached her hand out to rest on Dawn's shoulder.

Marie: 3....calm down...


Dawn slapped Marie's hand and backed away from the two, not being able to hold in her tears any longer and they began to flow down her face. Her body began to tremble and she dropped her hero shot, wiping her eyes and sobbing.

Dawn: Do you understand the pain I had to go through!? The things I've seen!? I still have nightmares every night from my experiences!!!.....


Dawn: every time I tell you both shrug me off and say "you'll be fine after a couple of days"....DO I LOOK FINE TO YOU!?

Dawn sobbed more and more as her legs shook rapidly. The two cousins looked at each other in concern, and Marie managed to build up the courage to slowly walk back over to 3, attempting to comfort her once again.

Marie: 3.....we....didn't know this stuff affected you this hard....

Dawn: this hard?.....THIS HARD!? Why do you two not care!? AGENT 4 AND 8 ARE DEAD!! IT'S ALL MY FAULT!!


Dawn: you two didn't even seem to care about you know how much they meant to me? that how you're going to react when I die? that what you two truly see us as? Just disposable garbage?

Dawn violently ripped off her hero cape and threw it at Marie, kicking her hero shot over to her as well. She turned around and walked over to the grate back to Inkopolis, leaving the two speechless.

Dawn:......I'm done......I don't want to do this anymore.......don't talk to me...ever again.

Marie: 3, wait!!

Dawn ignored Marie and hopped into the grate, leaving the two alone just to stare at each other in silence, holding her ripped and torn cape...


Rune: Dawn?....Dawn!

Dawn slowly opened up her eyes and looked around to notice that she was in the Café, sleeping on the job. She looked up at Rune to see him holding a tray of danishes and looking down at her.

Rune: you alright?


Dawn stood up slowly and walked past Rune, not answering his question and heading out to the main counter, looking around and not seeing Shade anywhere at all, but she saw Shadow walk out from the back room, placing down a bag of coffee beans in a lower cabinet.

Dawn: Shadow.

Shadow: sup.

Dawn: where's your sister? I need a break.

Shadow: she's not here. She's at home taking care of

Dawn:....*sigh* well, I'm going on break regardless.

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