26: The Escape

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Kitiara glared at the wall in front of her.

She liked silence.

She liked peace.

She could try meditating later after being sure that Bolin and Varrick were still safe and sound.

Questions followed by more questions formed in her mind.

Had the letter reached her mother ?

Did she read that alone ?

If she didn't, did she read the letter with her dad ?

How did she react when she learned about.... the thing ?

She wasn't angry with her, was she ?

Dad was not disappointed in her, right ?

They were not ashamed of having her as their daughter ?

Kitiara's eyes widened realizing how depressing her thoughts were.

She hugged her legs tightly to her chest and closed her eyes placing her forehead on her knees.

" Stop it. " She murmured at herself.

" Stop distracting yourself. Stop harming yourself. Stop belittling yourself. Stop blaming yourself. Just stop. " She begged herself.

The kyoshi warrior took a deep breath.

She was strong. She knew that deep inside.

She wasn't a weak kid, anymore.

She wasn't afraid of people trying to kidnap a 4-year-old child anymore.

She wad the Great Kitiara Beifong.

Former Commander of the Earth Empire.

One of the best Kyoshi Warriors who have ever lived.

A Spiritual Leader.

Hearing the door of the cell opening, she turned to look at the guard.

He stepped aside giving enough space for Baatar to enter.

When he was inside, the older Beifong dismissed him. The guard seemed a little displeased and in unease but did not dare to complain.

Baatar kneeled in front of her. " How are you ? "

" Fine. " She responded not in the mood of talking with the man who almost killed her.

Baatar sighed. " Listen... I.... I know that you may never forgive me for this. "

Kitiara pushed her lips into a thin line. " What do you want ? Why didn't you want your guard's presence ? What are you up to ? "

Baatar gazed at the woman's green eyes. " Varrick created a bomb with the spirit vine. He claims that he will explode everyone on this train unless I hand you over. "

The kyoshi warrior froze. Varrick did WHAT ?

" And why are you so hesitant ? "

" He will have himself and Bolin killed. I can't allow you to die like that. " The man replied.

" Well... At least it's better than being murder by a member of my own family. "

Baatar's face lost some of its colors. " It was a fair duel in which you lost. Are you still alive, Kit ? Yes, you are so stop blaming me because I had all the rights to kill you back then. Do you also remember that you helped mom ? Kuvira and I could have punished you with death afterwards. Did we do it ? No. So, please stop saying that. "

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