Chapter 3

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- Cecilia grabbed her glasses off Mirabel's nightstand before noticing her dress

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Cecilia grabbed her glasses off Mirabel's nightstand before noticing her dress. She unfolded it to reveal her original dress with some new additions.

"¡Buenos Dias! I hope you slept well. I also made some adjustments to your dress, do you like it?" Mirabel stretched Cecilia nodded before excusing herself to change in the bathroom.

She opened the door expecting no one to be there but felt heat rise to her face as she saw Luisa getting ready with her skirt already on and only a sports bra.
"I'm so sorry!" She screamed as she quickly shut the door.

Laughter was heard behind the young lady as Camilo emerged with a large grin plastered on his face.
"You liked what you saw?" He teased Cecilia as she shoved her face into her dress as Luisa exited the bathroom and stared at Cecilia.

"I should've knocked." Cecilia muttered into her dress Luisa gently patted her head. "Don't sweat it, just remember it for next time!" The tall woman's ears were bright red as she held the door open for Cecilia to enter the bathroom.

She scurried in as the door closed behind her as she looked at herself in the mirror.

Cecilia's eyes were puffy and red from crying all night. "Alright now, you have to stay strong not just for you but for Marco." She sighed before changing into her dress.

Mirabel adjusted the length of the dress which Cecilia was thankful for since she constantly found herself tripping over it.

Cecilia brushed her hair as it flowed down to her knees. "I should check in with Marco." She spoke to herself as she exited the bathroom and made her way towards Camilo's room.

She knocked as Camilo opened his door, "Your brother is still sleeping, come on in." He whispered trying not to wake up Marco as she kneeled at Marco's side.

Cecilia inspected her brothers face and soon saw a bruise on his neck.

Marco's eyes fluttered open, "Ceci? What time is it?" He quickly got up and got ready, "Woah there, slow your roll. You're hurt." She pointed to his neck as she pushed him down on his bed.
"I'll be fine." He rolled his eyes, "No! You will not leave this room until you rest properly!" She objected. "Your hermanita is right. Plus you barely got any sleep last night." Camilo chimed in as he stood in the doorframe.

The siblings looked at each other's eyes and they were both swollen from crying. "I guess I'll sleep in a bit." Marco said as his sister placed a kiss on his forehand as he pulled the covers over himself.
"Goodnight." Cecilia said as she and Camilo closed the door as they made their way to the kitchen.

"Good-morning!" The two were greeted by everyone. Camilo began to make himself a plate as Cecilia sat down.

"Aren't you hungry?" Camilo asked the girl with an arepa in his mouth. "I'm okay, I'll eat later." She replied nodding with a half smile.
"Camilo, can you give Cecilia a tour of our Encanto?" Alma asked as Camilo swallowed his food, "I want to come too!" Mirabel announced as her abuela playfully rolled her eyes at her. "I don't see why not." Camilo shrugged before finishing his food.

As soon as breakfast was over Cecilia found herself lost in her thoughts.
I hope I look fine. What if the towns people don't like me. I must remember my manners.

"Hey! Are you coming?" Mirabel yelled at the girl as she nodded and ran out of Casita with Camilo and Mirabel not far behind her.

The Madrigal cousins took Cecilia into the forest that surrounded the Encanto and ended the trip at the heart of the Encanto.

The place was lively with music and colorful buildings next to each-other.

Cecilia knew she was supposed to be happy but it all just reminded her of home.

"Now we're back at Casita!" Mirabel exclaimed, "That was the entire Encanto."

"Your town is very beautiful. The scenery is exquisite." They walked into Casita as she made her way upstairs.

Her mind flooded with millions of thoughts as she felt nauseous and lightheaded. Cecilia's knees became week as she fell to her side before feeling a warm surface hit her head.

"You alright there?" Luisa noticed her strange behavior and caught her before she could accidentally hurt herself. Cecilia shook her head as Luisa gently picked her up and brought her to her bedroom.

There were rocks, weights and other things but luckily there was a relaxing beach as the tides waved in. Luisa placed the girls body on a cold rock as she sat next to her.

"Here. I noticed you haven't been eating during meals." Luisa said as she placed an arepa in Cecilia's hands.

"I haven't been able to eat. I just haven't had an appetite." She whispered as she looked at the food in her hands. "For right now just try to take a small bite. We can work our way up to being able to eat bigger portions later. If not for you, do it for me." Her ears turned a bright pink,
"If not for me than for Marco." She scratched her neck nervously.

Cecilia took in a gulp as Luisa split the arepa in half, "Here. We can eat together." She nodded as they took a bite together.

Cecilia's eyes widened, "This is so delicious! Who made it?" She began to hungrily eat her half as she looked up to Luisa's eyes. "My ma did, she is an awesome cook!" She replied as she realized Cecilia's eyes moved from her eyes to her hand.

"Here." She lowered her hand to the small female and before she could say anything Cecilia wrapped her mouth around the piece of arepa Luisa held.

Luisa flushed pink and didn't utter a word, "I'm sorry! I was just super hungry." Cecilia fidgeted with her fingers. "It's okay, I just wasn't expecting it." Luisa awkwardly chuckled.

"I used to feel the same as you. It was hard to eat when you were expected to be everywhere at once." Cecilia looked up from the floor to Luisa's eyes. "You did?" She nodded, "I couldn't find the time to eat so I skipped meals. I was more exhausted but I had to make the family proud." The girl stood up and placed her hand on Luisa's shoulders as she pulled her into a hug.

"I'm sorry." She whispered as Luisa wrapped her arms around Cecilia's waist and gently hugged her, "Its okay, you wanna know what I did when I couldn't find the peace to do anything?" Luisa stood up as she pulled out a box and placed it in between the two of them.

"You can keep this one." She said passing Cecilia a coloring book, "It may seem silly but it definitely distracts you."

For the remainder of the day the two enjoyed each-others company coloring and telling stories from each-others lives.


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