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The lovely couple were having an amazing time, it was Elizabeth's 17th birthday but instead of celebrating it became chaos. As Elizabeth and Forsyth were having a small lunch alone all of a sudden her brother ran in.

He demanded "Forsyth...protect Elizabeth."

They were confused and he said "father said monsters are attacking us...the demons of the night."

Elizabeth panicked looking at Forsyth saying "I will protect her..."

He looked at him and nodded and Elizabeth cried "no...no Archibald..."

He felt his sister grab his hand saying "where's mother?"

He gulped saying "she's..."

She shook her head and ran past him as he shouted.


She ran out shouting "mama! Mama!"

Forsyth grabbed her saying "where's mama..."

She cried and Archie held her face "she's gone..."

She shook her head "no...no..."

She sobbed and went on her knees.


Forsyth saw a vampire and shoved Archie and grabbed them and snapped there neck.

Archibald said "thank you..."

He nodded and said "protect my sister, get her out of town, it's no longer safe..."

He nodded and they ran inside. Forsyth ran around her room and packed a bag and groaned.

He said "I know a women, she can help us, we will leave and go to Greendale, and then we can go wherever we can to stay safe."

Elizabeth grabbed his arm saying "what if someone gets me..."

He sighed and said "I'm gonna turn you..."

She looked at him and he said "it's the only way..."

She was worried and he bit his wrist and fed her his blood.

He said "once we get to Greendale...and if you survive the way...you can make a decision but right now if a vampire tries to kill you, you'll comeback."

She nodded and he smiled and she smiled and they left. As they were on his horse he held her tightly but as they did gunshots went off and the horse threw them both back and they panicked and fell off as the horse ran. Forsyth grabbed her as she winced and her leg was scraped but suddenly he felt shots at his back. He groaned and held her tightly.

She said "Forsyth...."

He groaned and she got up and shouted "don't shoot! Please!"

She cried out and suddenly one single shot went through her heart and she gasped and Forsyth heard the shot and she saw the blood leaving from her.

He said "no..."

He grabbed her and he picked her up but was shot in the back and groaned as he fell and was shot in the legs. He winced and groaned as the guy walked to them and grabbed his head.

He said "Mr Andrews..."

He then said "Archie was right...there was something up with you..."

He then said "your own daughter..."

He replied "she's a traitor, she's not my daughter..."

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