Twenty Four

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Ana steps onto the edge of the outer rim as rain begins to fall. The droplets making a musical sound as they hit against her armor; she knows he's there. She can feel his eyes watching her every move.

She feels crazy for thinking this but it's almost as  though he is breathing with her.

Ana ignores him for now; there's more urgent things at the moment than worrying about her alien baby daddy.

General Iro Vex stands atop a circular levitating plate in the middle of his army.

"Ah the human whore dressed up as a queen." He laughs viciously into the rain.

Ana keeps her face void of an emotion. She'll not give this desperate man what he desires. "General Iro, am I to presume, that you are aware of the consequences of your actions?"

He's still smirking but his face twists a little in confusion. "Very well then I'll tell you. You have betrayed your country's orders; if you attempt to return to your home planet you will be hung and murdered on sight. You have come to a thickly populated and wealthy planet with only one third of the soldiers we have. You have overestimated your strength general. You are outnumbered and alone; you will not receive and sympathy or aid."

General Iro was no longer smirking. Instead his face was twisted with anger and fear; the male hadn't thought about the repercussions. He had let his anger at being humiliated get the best of him and drive him into a blind battle.

His army started to mumble amongst themselves, what once had been confident warriors were now sad beings who had their hope ripped away from them by simple words.

Ana stared holes into the stupid males head, "But..." she let the word echo into the rain and silence fell again. "Since I am a creature of sympathy... I offer you another option."

The general bites his tongue so hard it starts to bleed. He hates this foolish mortal being but he cannot deny the other option in front of his soldiers. They could retaliate at the wasted opportunity.

The hope her new offer brings outweighs his command. "What is it." He grits out.

Ana finally, allows a minuscule of emotion, to wash over her face. "My general against yours. A duel between the two; whoever loses will surrender and face the consequences. Whatever they may be."

General Iro laughed loudly and hysterically. "You foolish girl! I am the general of this army, and to think you could beat me?" His hysterics rile some of Ana's warriors up.

They take a step forward pointing their sharpened spears at the out numbered foe's. General Iro scowls. He had no choice; if he accepts the challenge and beats Ana's General he will have gotten what he wanted. If he didn't take her up on her offer and they fought instead they would surely perish.

"I accept your challenge. Bring forth your general." He growls as his silver levitating plate lowers to the ground.

   Ana finally looks up to where her two generals are watching her. She makes eye contact with Sophie and nods for her to come to the outer rim; behind her stands a tall and large male who almost looks as wild as Sophie describes him. Raphael has raw power radiating off of him in hostile waves. It makes Ana shiver and want to step back.

   She can feel his emotions through his power and knows others can, seeing as they're giving him a wide birth.

    She lets her eyes wonder and trail up the large thick muscles of Draconian's arms as they coil underneath his skin. His wide eyes stare directly at her swollen belly.

   She turns right as his eyes snap up to her face in anguish. She couldn't deal with this now. Not with same anguish she was feeling and not with the guilt.

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