Episode 3: Now In Color

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"Different song again." Clint noted

Natasha nodded, "Now I'm getting 70s from it."

Kate leaned forward, inserting her self in the conversation, "Is it going to change decades each time?"

Across the room Shuri sighed, "I preferred the last song."

Infront of her Peter nodded, "Same."

While these conversations were happening down at the front of the room Pietro whispered to Wanda. "What happened at the end of the last episode? You just rewound everything. Are you in control?"

"I don't," Wanda shook her head, "I, I don't know. I hope I'm not." Her hands were shaking, "I don't want to cause innocent people to get hurt."

Vision looked down at her. He wanted to comfort her but was unsure how to.


"That is definitely the 70s!" Clint laughed seeing Wanda and Visions new outfits.

Cut to an establishing shot of the house, then inside. Doctor Nielsen uses a stethoscope to listen to Wanda's belly. After a few moments of listening, he takes the stethoscope away

DR. NIELSEN: Yep, definitely pregnant.

"Thanks doc." Tony crossed his arms, "That much we had figured out."

He gets up and puts his stethoscope in his bag.

WANDA: Oh. Well, that much we figured.

Peter looked at Tony, hiding his laughter. Kate and Shuri made no attempt to hide theirs.

VISION: It's just kind of taken us by surprise. It's just kind of sudden, quite suddenly, wasn't it? I mean, practically ovеrnight. I mean, how did this happen?

At the same time Dr. Nielsen began to say it on screen, Tony, Clint, Kate, Peter, Yelena, and Shuri started, "When a man and woman love each other very much-"

Tchala elbowed Shuri to stop, Melina and Natasha did the same to Yelena and Clint.

Kate and Peter started laughing and Tony finished his sentence. This caused Peter and Shuri to laugh more

DR. NIELSEN: You see, when a man and a woman lovе each other very much-

WANDA: Well, we're just tickled pink. Or blue!

DR. NIELSEN: You're at about four months now, is that right?

Wanda nods. Vision shakes his head. They look at each other and Vision switches to nodding.

"Very smooth." Shuri laughed, still a little giddy from what had just happened

DR. NIELSEN: I thought as much. We let the little ladies keep tabs on their growing babies with fruit. Makes it simple for them.

Wanda made a disgusted face while Yelena yelled, "Boo!" At Dr. Nielsen

Wanda and Vision give each other looks.

DR. NIELSEN: At four months, the fetus is about as big as a pear. At five months, a papaya. Six, grapefruit. Seven, pineapple. Eight, honeydew.

VISION: Hypothetically speaking, what size fruit would it be at say, hmm, twelve hours?

"Normally? Mustard seed." Tony leaned back in his chair

DR. NIELSEN: Uh, pardon? Twelve hours?

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