CH. 4

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"Wait what?!" You ask going wide eyed. "Well, he did bring you here, and every one else's tent is full" Rick explains. "She sure as hell isn't staying with me" Daryl states. "There's no where else for her to stay" Rick say crossing his arms. "So" Daryl snaps. "What do you want her to do, sleep out side" Rick asks. "I don't give a damn where she sleeps but she's not sleeping with me" Daryl states. "Rick its fine, I've been sleeping outside since-" "No, y/n. Your gonna stay with him if y'all like it or not. We stick together not leave people out in the open, in this group" Rick says glaring at Daryl. "Fine, she can fucking stay with me" Daryl snaps throwing his hands up. "Good..... Now everyone I believe its time to turn in." Rick says walking back over to Lori and Carl. He helps Lori up as everyone heads to their tents. "Are you coming, or are you just gonna stand there" Daryl snap catching your attention. "Yea, I'm coming" you say spinning around. You slowly follow him to a tent right at the edge of the woods. "Why are you so far away from everyone else" you ask. "Because, I was hoping this would keep people away from me. But of course, I can't get one moment of fucking peace" he says angrily. "Well, damn" you mumble. "Shut the fuck up" he snaps. You just roll your eyes, and watch him as he unzips the door of the tent. "You get the ground" he says as you step in after him. "Well, thanks" you say sarcastically, as you sit down in front of the air matris. You watch him as he sits down on the matris. "Here" he says throwing a pillow and cover at you before slipping his shirt off. A slight blush spreads across your cheeks. "Oh, get over it" he says as he sees you. "you act like you've never seen a guy shirtless, before." "Oh, ummmm sorry" you apologize. He rolls his eyes as he slips his boots off and lays down, facing away from you. You lay down to facing him. "Hey, Daryl" you say. "What" he asks. "Thanks for bringing me here" you say cuddling into your cover. "Your welcome" he says annoyed. "You were the first person I'd seen in a while" you admitted. "Ok, go to sleep" he says. "And besides from Shane, I really like this group." You yawn "I really don't care, y/n. Now go to sleep" he orders. "Ok" you say and turn over, closing your eyes. Surprisingly it doesn't take you long to fall asleep, but your luck being the way it is you have the exact same dream as every night.

Your walking down a long dark hallway, when you hear screaming. You draw your gun and take off running down what seems like a never ending hallway. When you finally make it to the room the screams are coming from, you see your little brother pale and a greyish color attacking your mom, you scream and run in grabbing your brother and throw him off her just as his teeth sink into her shoulder. "Y/n, kill him" your mom cries as he stands back up. You raise your gun and shoot him between the eyes when he runs towards you. You burst out into tears and fall into your moms arms. "Shhhhhh, its ok, baby girl. Its ok" she says stroking your hair, as you cry into her chest. "Mom, he's dead. I killed him" you cry. "Its ok y/n, you had to.......... Now I need you to do me a favour" she says taking your face in her hands. "What is it" you ask sniffling as you wipe your eyes. "He bit me, y/n. I need you to take care of me before I become one of them" she says. "No mom, I can't, I won't" you say new tears forming in your eyes. "Y/n, please. I don't want to become one of them" she begs. "No mom" you whine. "Please" she begs putting the gun in your hand and brings it to her head. "I love you y/n" she whispers. "I love you to mom" you say tears running from your eyes as she makes you pull the trigger. You grab her and pull her to your chest and start to cry again. "Why, mom? Why?"

"Y/n, wake up. Wake up. Wake up!" You hear, as someone shakes you. You open your eyes still crying to see Daryl. "Y/n, are you ok" he asks. "I killed them, I killed them both" you cry. "Y/n, who?" He asks. "My mom, and brother" you cry, and wrap your arms around him, crying into his chest.


Hey people, I decided to give you the situation with you and your mom and lil bro in this chapter sort of. So what do y'all think so far. Please vote, comment and follow.

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