You guys dating?

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(Y/n Pov)

I was sitting next to Ash on the couch. Watching some comedy movie that was on TV. I heard my phone go off with a call and saw that it was Maddy. I answered it, "Hello?".

"Hey Y/n" she said. "Hey" I replied. "I know that your at your boyfriends place. But you need to come back. Mom and dad are at work. But they want you to come home" she told me.

I sighed, "Okay. Can you pick me up?". "Sure. I'll be there in like 20 minutes". "Alright. Bye" I said. "Bye" she replied.

I hung up and put my phone down on my lap. "What's up" Fez asked, looking at me. "Maddy is gonna come and pick me up. So I'm gonna go and get my stuff ready" I said standing up. Ash looked at me, "You need any help?.

I shook my head, "No. I'll be fine. I only have little to get". I walked to Ash's room since I left my clothes in there. I folded my dress and put my boots on top of it. I grabbed my purse and put walked out of Ash's room, bringing my stuff with me.

I put my stuff down on a chair by the table. I walked back to the couch and sat next to Ash.

I noticed that Fez wasn't in the living room anymore. "Where's Fez?" I asked, looking at Ash. He looked back at me, "He went to his room". "Oh okay" I say. After that we fell into a comfortable silence. Well until I decided to say "You know I was still awake when you kissed my head last night".

Ash looked at me and I noticed that his cheeks were pink. "You were awake?" he asked. I nodded my head, "Yep" I said popping the p. "I was awake and you" I lightly booping his nose with my finger, making him blush even more, "kissed my head and told me goodnight".

"Well you didn't have a problem with me kissing your hand, so I thought your head wouldn't be any different" he said. I shrugged my shoudlers. "Your right" I began, I had suddenly gotten more braver then I already was, "But if you do it again, I might think that you have a crush on me".

He softly chuckled and smirked, "Well every time I did you seemed to like it". Now it was my turn to blush. I looked down at my hands, fiddling with them before looking back up at Ash. He looked like he wanted to ask something but before he could someone knocked on the door.

He rolled his eyes, "I'll go get that". I nodded my head, "It's probably Maddy". I got up and grabbed my stuff. Ash had already opened the door and I was right, it was Maddy. "Hey Y/n" she said smiling. I walked over to the two, "Hey Mads".

"You ready to go?" she asked. "Yeah" I said. I looked at Ash, "I'll see you later". He nodded his head, "Yeah. See ya". He suddenly hugged me and I hesitantly hugged him back. I pulled away from him and smiled.

Me and Maddy walked away to her car and got in. I put the stuff behind me in the backseat and buckled up. Maddy started the car and drove away.

About half way through the drive Maddy asked me something, "So are you and Ashtray dating?". I looked at her surprised, "What? No. We've only known eachother for like 2 days". She shrugged her shoulders, "Well it seems like you two are".

"What's that supposed to mean?" I exclaim. "Well you guys did do couple things. Like that one time where he kissed your hand and you basically turned into a tomato. And when he hugged you out of no where. Ashtray isn't one to just hug people he barely knows".

"So that means?" I ask. "That means that he likes you. And you definitely like him back, so you two should just date" she told me. "Maybe after like a week or two" I say. Maddy squealed, "Omg! I knew it! You two would make such a cute couple!".

I chuckled and looked out the window. After a bit we made it to the house. I got my stuff and walked inside and into my room.

I shut the door behind and put my stuff at the edge of the bed. I sighed and laid down on my bed. Maddy was right. I did have a crush on Ash. But how can you crush on someone you just met?

But that doesn't matter. I guess. The bigger thing I was more focused on was the fact if Ash liked me back or not.

A/n: Sorry if the chapter seemed a bit short. I didn't know how to continue on from that part. But thank you guys for 6k+ views and 100+ votes😊! Also sorry if there were any Grammer mistakes. Cause I finished this at like 1 in the morning and I'm about to go to bed.

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