13 / Marriage

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" Good morning, guys!! I have good news!"

Samiru cheerfully burst through the cafeteria doors. She startled the first years who were eating peacefully. Well, not until the Gojo arrived of course.

" I have god newsss!"

But she whipped out her camera, and stopped a distance and in stance.

" But first, look here guys! Smile!"

A photo snapped.

" Gojo-senpai!!! You're back!!" - Itadori
" How was the mission, Sam? You left quite early in the morning." - Nobara.

" It was boring as always. They dont stand a fuck against me, of course. That was 3rd this morning.

" 3rd?!" - Nobara

" Senpai is an important and powerful person! She's always on call. And in special ranked missions too!"

Itadori said in an excited and overly hyped manner.

" Noo..."
Nobara said, dragging the last part in disbelief.
" I mean. You're so frail- hell you bruise so easily! And you've got no scratch!!"

The attention and praise made Samiru evilly laugh in delight.

" I know. I know. I'm great."

" You're awesome senpai!! Train with me again!!" - Itadori
" No, she needs a rest! Lets go shopping!" - Nobara

" Why do all girls spend so much money on shopping when you dont even need them!" - Itadori
" That just how it is." - Nobara

" No! You're just swindling money out of senpai!" - Itadori
" And you're just waisting Sam's time with all your training sessions!" - Nobara

" Training has result!" - Itadori
" Shopping has results too!" - Nobara

Samiru sweat dropped at the two bickering classmates infront of her face. She wasnt planning to stop it. It was too entertaining. Not until she snapped her attention to Megumi who she almost forgot.

His daily dose of a Gojo. Specifically Gojo Samiru.

" Gumi-gumi."

She quietly cooed, quietly sitting beside him, and speaking in a cheery, teasing tone. She knows how he hates those nicknames. But her victim was off to space somewhere floating - drowning - deep in his thoughts like it was something even more important than Gojo Samiru.

In response, he mindlessly hummed.

" Did you eat well?" - Samiru

" Hm." - Megumi

" Is it yummy?" - Nobara

" Hm." - Megumi

Megumi wasnt even looking at her.

" Megumi, can I marry you?"

" Hm."

" Really?!"

" What?!" - Itadori
" What?!" - Nobara

" Huh?" - Megumi

He was now fully alert and alive than the past days. He was startled by Samiru's overjoyed fake crying, and both his classmates' look of disbelief. All directed to him.

" What?"

" You said you'll marry Senpai/Sam!!" - Itadori/Nobara

They were incredulously pointing an accusing finger at Megumi. Itadori with a disbelief and incredulous look panicked over the sudden proposing, while Nobara on the other hand had stood up in pure excitement and joy as if cheering them on.

" What?!"

Samiru wiped a fake tear of joy, and wasted no time in clinging to the poor ravenette's arms. Looking up with the best teary puppy dog eyes. Lacing with mockery and unseriousness.

" I knew you love me. Gosh, why'd you have to act all harsh. Its clear. You love me so much you're proposing to me right now?!"

" What bullshit!"

Megumi accidentally jabbed his elbows on Samiru's stomach a little too hard. Thought Samiru didnt react, nor did the others notice. But he was uncomfortable and unable to settle knowing he just hurt Samiru and she didnt even know it.

" When is the marriage?" - Nobara
" Soon, Noba-noba. You should be my bridesmaid." - Samiru
" I would love to!" - Nobara
" I want a beach wedding." - Samiru

" Are you seriously serious?!"
Itadori exclaimed a bit panicked and excited at the same time.

But Megumi wasnt paying even a single bit of attention to them. Only at Samiru's stomach.

" You're hurt."

He said. Voice void of anything. Just a simply statement. And it confused the three of them.

" Huh? Where?"
Samiru asked, making both Nobara and Itadori sweat drop. Its her body. She's supposed to know.

" In your stomach. I hit too hard."

" How honest. You're creeping me out."
Samiru chuckled and did check ber stomach. When she saw quite a big, purple bruise though, she was surprised.

When did she get this? She's sure she didnt hurt anywhere at all. And that small jerk caused by Megumi's elbow could not do something like this.

She smiled though. And shrugged it off so others wont worry too much.

" Its nothing. Its just a small spot. I bruise easily, didnt you know that? Its not your fault."

She was frozen though. She wasnt startled, but she was just surprised. That Megumi could also be beyond his conservative self and do something like :

Him swiftly hooking a finger around Samiru's high waist skirt and gently pulling it a little down to see the bruise.

He did that.

So Samuri just sat there wide eyed, not even staring back at Megumi, just staring at the unbelievably attractive slender long finger, and FROZEN. She was contemplating whether this was a dream or not. Such a small move yet it made her frozen in an instant.

All the while Itadori and Nobara were fussing in the background accusing Megumi of both the sudden proposing and him hitting Samiru. But no. She didnt hear them at all. It was her heartbeat loud in her head.

" -I swear I didnt even hit that hard. Tch, fine!"
Megumi gently grabbed her wrist and gently pried her up from her dazed frozen state. He gently tug her up to stand along with him.
" We're going to Shoko-sensei."

" What? Its just a small-"

" Its not small at all."

While their classmates cooed in the background, mocking kissing noises and awe's, Samiru just stared at his quite broad back. He was pulling at his wrist- gently pulling - as they made their way through the halls to the infirmary. She was still in the dream state daze. She's not sure if she could recover at all.

" I didnt hit that hard."
He irritatedly sighed.

" I know. Its ok. I didnt even feel anything."
Samiru dazed. Not sounding flirtatious.
" Whats surprising me more is how concerned you are. Its very cute, Megumi."

" I'm not concerned."

Samiru simply chuckled. Knowing that both knew he was concerned. They settle in a comfortable silence by the time they reach Shoko-sensei.

For once Megumi was thankful she wasnt being annoying.

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