Chapter 17: Getting ready for Mukuro's Date

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The class bell rang, which meant that the pleasant lunch break was over. The afternoon class was about to begin, and Tomoya also happened to be back at this time...

What surprised Shido was that Tomoya looked fine, with no expression of loss or sadness, as if nothing happened.

Shido thought for a while, and understood why. After all, for Tomoya who considered himself a diehard otaku, being hated by 3D girls was really not a big deal. Perhaps the only way to destroy his mental state would be breaking his anime figures.

Shido said to Tomoya,

"Sorry that I doubted you, now I know you really have love for 2d girls..."

"Thank you! Then all this is worth it!"

Tomoya also seemed to be very moved and leaned in. Shido's sentence made him forget the unhappiness just now, but Shido mercilessly pushed him away.

After a while, the girls all walked out of the classroom one after another, for the next class would be PE, and everyone needed to change into the corresponding clothes.

The boys were relatively lazy, so they all chose to change their clothes in the classroom. The girls naturally had to avoid it.

Suddenly, there were only boys left in the classroom, and there were no girls. Therefore, they could do things that only boys could do...

"The second-year Class B girls popularity ranking list!"

It turned out that the results of the election just now were ready to be announced.

"Has it been collected?"

"It's collected, all boys in the class, one vote for one person!"

"I wonder who the winner is."

"Who else can it be? If it's not Miura, then it's Nino..."

"Hiratsuka sensei must be number one..."

"Hiratsuka sensei doesn't count as a girl in our class, so your vote is invalid!"

"How come?!"


The boys seemed to be looking forward to the results of this poll, and they all hoped that the girls they liked were the most popular, but Shido was really not interested in this.

"The Winner of the second year of Class B girls' popularity ranking list is, Miura Yumiko!"

The man with glasses announced loudly that he directly announced the one with the most votes. After all, this was what the boys cared about.

For this result, Shido was not surprised at all. One was because when he passed the note just now, he saw that Yumiko Miura was indeed the one with the most votes.

And as far as he knew, there were many supporters of Miura Yumiko in the class, and these people would definitely vote for her.

"Second place, Nino Nakano..."

The glasses man continued to reveal the second place.

Shido raised his brows. He didn't think that Nino was inferior to Miura. The so-called popularity vote was not originally a ranking of how beautiful the girls were, but just a ranking of supporters. In fact, there were many other beautiful girls in the class, but their popularity was not as high as Miura.

And it was worth noting that Gabriel really only had one poor vote, which was the one from Shido...

"There are so many beautiful girls in the class, I'm in heaven!"

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