6🔸 A new friend

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Third Person

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Third Person

"Phalgun" Kunti rushed toward her son as soon as her eyes spotted him.

"What took you so long? We were so worried. I even sent Bheem to find you but he-" Kunti stopped rambling as her eyes fell on his left arm "and what is this?"

Arjun followed her eyes and realised she was talking about his wound. Arjun released a breath of relief that he had already removed the red clothe. He didn't want to reveal his interaction with the Princess.

He took his mother's hand in his "Mata" Arjun started in his calm voice "Its okay, I'm okay. It's just a small wound"

"But how did you injure yourself, what happened Arjun?" Yudhishthir asked coming closer.

"Tiger happened" Arjun shrugged, his eyes on anywhere but on his eldest and mother.

"Why do I feel like you are hiding something Bhrata?" Nakul raised an eyebrow.

"What?" Arjun protested immediately, a bit too loudly taking everyone by surprise, clearing his throat he repeated in a much softer and lower tone "What?"

"Nakul is rambling weird things since morning Arjun, don't mind him" Bheem slapped on Arjun's back before ruffling his curly hair.

"Not my hair Bhrata" Arjun heaved a sigh, removing Bheem's hand from his hair. He would never understand people's obsession with his curls.

"Exactly Bhrata Bheem" Sahdev went closer to Bheem "But you can't blame him, Nakul haven't seen himself properly in mirror for days" He side glanced at Nakul who rewarded him with a long suffering gaze.

"When are you going to grow up?" Kunti fretted before ordering "Yudhishthir, I've rested enough now let's move on"

"Mata the forest isn't really safe especially at night-"

"We won't go through the forest Phalgun" Kunti cut him off "Let's get out of this forest. I don't care how much time it takes to reach Panchal"

Arjun looked at his eldest brother who nodded in approval.

"You know Arjun when you were gone, we met Bhagwan Vyas" Bheem suddenly said, his voice dipped in excitement.

"You did? My bad I didn't get to touch his feet" Arjun replied as he walked with a fire stick in his hand followed by his brothers and mother.

"Not only we get to touch his feet but he told us something that would make your heart dance"

"You sure he didn't tell anything about some tasty dish?" Arjun quipped earning a slap from Bheem.

"I'm not telling you!" Bheem declared before adding "although it's about the princess of Panchala"

Arjun stopped at the mention of her. He could still feel the fiery gaze, those teasing curls, the intoxicating fragrant. Arjun swallowed down and closed his eyes to control his uneven breath .

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