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Dewey, Gale, Sydney, and I, got out of Dewey's car.

"That's Serral Road, that's where one of the pictures was taken." Dewey pointed down the street.

"God, I can't believe she never mentioned any of this." Sydney breathed.

"She probably just-." I was cut off by someone.

"Emma! Dewey!" A girls voice called behind us. The four of us jumped, screaming.

"Martha!" Sydney smiled.

"Oh my God, Syd." Martha smiled.

"Hold it right there!" Wallace shouted, pointing his gun at her.

"Don't shoot! I'm only seventeen!" She yelped.

"It's ok. We know her." Dewey said to Wallace.

"We do? Since when?" Gale asked.

"That's Randy's sister, Martha Meeks." I said.

"Randy's sister?" She asked.

"Yeah! Can't you tell?" Dewey smiled.

"We miss you in Woodsboro, guys." Martha sighed. She looked troubled by something.

"Martha, what are you doing here?" Sydney asked.

"There's something you guys should see." She held up a video tape labeled 'Scary Movies 101'

We followed her inside and Dewey and I sat on the couch. Martha popped in the video tape and Randy came on the screen.

"Told you I'd make a movie someday. Huh?" He laughed. I missed hearing his laugh.

"Oh my God." Sydney breathed. I cupped both of my hands to my mouth, leaning into Dewey.

"Well, if you're watching this tape, it means as I feared, I did not survive these killings here at Windsor College. And that giving up my virginity to Karen Colcheck at the video store was probably not a good idea." Dewey's eyes went wide. So did mine.

"Karen Colcheck?" Dewey asked no one in particular.

"Yes, Karen Colcheck." Randy answered.

"Creepy Karen?" I asked this time.

"Shut up Em." He scoffed "She's a sweet person, ok? We were working late, we were putting away some videos in the porno section, and ya know... shit happens." He muttered.

We heard a knock at his bedroom door.

"Open the door Randy!" Someone called.

"15 minutes." Randy said.

"It's my room too!" The voice yelled.

"Paul, 15 minutes, I'm leaving my legacy." I couldn't help by smile to myself. "15 minutes Paul! Damn! Anyway, the reason I am here is to help you, so that my death will not be in vain. That my life's work, will help save some other poor soul from getting mutilated. If this killer does come back, and he's for real, there are a few things that you gotta remember."

"Is this simply another sequel? Well, if it is, same rules apply. But, here's the critical thing. If you find yourself dealing with an unexpected backstory, and a preponderance of exposition, then the sequel rules do not apply. Because you are not dealing with a sequel, you are dealing with the concluding chapter of a trilogy." Randy continued.

I squeezed Dewey's hand. "A trilogy?" He asked.

"That's right. It's a rarity in the horror field, but it does exist, and it's a force to be reckoned with, because true trilogies are all about going back to the beginning and discovering something that wasn't true from the get go. 'Godfather', 'Jedi', all revealed something that we thought was true, that wasn't true. So if it is a trilogy you are dealing with, here are some super trilogy rules." I was mentally taking notes.

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