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(Just a random picture I took with my camera.  Don't mind it)

"I... be I think I am in love with u..."


Axels P.O.V:

"Hey, Jude do you think we could talk after practise?"

"Huh, ummm yeah, sure" Jude said hesitantly

For the past few days Jude has been acting very strange, at school and practice.

In class he doesn't talk to me that much and doesn't sit next to me anymore. When we need to work together on a project, he acts very awkward and shy.

At practise he doesn't talk to me next to when we have a practise match and we are in the same team. It's very weird.

It all suddenly started. It didn't get more awkward gradually, no. He just suddenly stopped talking to me. I thought, maybe he is like this with everyone but I asked around and people say that he acts normal around them.
I don't know if I did something wrong or that he found out something he thinks is not oké about me or that he just doesn't want to be friends with me.

Something you should know, is that I am very much in love with him and have known for a long time. Maybe he found out and thinks it is weird. I just want everything for us to be oké. It doesn't matter if he doesn't like me back, I just want everything to be good between us, so that I know that I could peacefully move on ( if he doesn't like me).

Jude's P.O.V:

3 weeks before Axels POV

It al started 3 weeks ago. Axel and me were hanging out at my house and we were having so much fun. But suddenly I became aware of my heartbeat. I looked at him and he was laughing. The moment I focused on him I could feel my heart beating faster. Has Axel always been this handsome? Did his hair always look so soft? Was his laugh always so beautiful?
I acted normal the rest of the day. But after he was gone, I was laying in bed thinking. What if he doesn't like me back? Will he think I am weird because I like him? What if he doesn't want to be friends if he knew I like him?
Scratch that. I think I am in love with him.
I just realised that I have felt like this a long time I was just to focused on other thing's to notice.


Hey, Jude do you think we could talk after practise?"

"Huh, ummm yeah, sure"

Ohhh fuckkkkkkkkk. I am so fucked!! Why did I say yes??? He going to tell me that he doesn't want to be friends anymore. Or that I should stay away from him or that he thinks I am disgusted because I like him. Oh my sweet lord. Save me!!

After practice:

" So, uum you wanted to speak with me?"

"Yeah." Axel started " I want to tell you something that has been n my mind for a long time now. I didn't want it do do it looked this but since everything suddenly got awkward between us I wanted to do it now. So here it goes.... I LIKE YOU DOR LIKE SINCE A LONG TIME. AND SINCE TOU JAVE BEEN AVOIDING ME FOR SOMETIME NOW, I JIST WANTED TO TELL U!!"


"Please, say something!"

I hesitated before saying "I... I think I am in love with u..."

The moment that sentence left my mouth I was picked up by a laughing Axel. He started turning us around. I also started laughing. He does think I am weird. We feel the same.

My mouth is suddenly covered with his. HE IS KISSING ME!! He is a good kisser. Obviously I return the kiss. But suddenly I hear people cheering. Axel and me stop kissing and look towards the direction the cheering is coming from. It's our team. They were standing there the whole time. I forgot about them.

"Jude, would you be so kind and be my boyfriend?"

Que* more screaming from the rest of the team.

The End.

Hello little peeps,

It has taking me a really liking time to update because I forgot about this but here is another one of these thing's called one shotes.

Bye bye my darlings.

P.s thank u to Kimleonor_867 for reminding me this exists!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2022 ⏰

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