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"Yea, no."

"Let me finish," I groan.

"No, no need to. You lost me at take you back. I'm not taking you back, they will actually cut off my balls. Will would personally do it."

"I will cut off your balls if you don't take me back." That's a lie, I could never bring myself to do that. That's just gross, and messy. Not up my alley.

"With what?" He asks smugly, crossing his arms.

"With this." I say smugly back, pulling out my knife that was hidden in my waist band.

His smirk drops, "Fuck, I should've checked you."

"It concerns me you're one of the royal guards."

He shrugs, "I'm usually better at my job. There just happens to be a pretty face distracting me."

I laugh and roll my eyes. "Are you going to take me back?" He shakes his head no. "Then are you going to shoot me?" He takes a second to think about it, then shakes his head again. "Well then go on and go back to wherever you came from, and I'll do the same."

He narrows his eyes at me. "I feel as if you are a liar."

"I'm not a liar, but I am lying right now." I give him a sly smirk. Such a hard guy to hate.

"That's contradicting."

"I apologize."

"That's insincere."

I cross my arm, and feel a little sting. I look down to see sun burns starting to form on my arms. "I'm getting sunburned." I sigh, "Can we finish this back at the base with everyone."

I see a flash of surprise in his eyes. Then a hint of caution, "How did you know the base was near here?" He swipes his hands against the side of his pants. "How did you know where to go?" He scans the area around us again.

"I have a map." A lie, he didn't need to know the details yet.

"Show me it." His tone grows serious, it seems that all the friendless has left his face. He has finally remembered who exactly he was talking to.

"I'll show you mine if you show me yours." He reached for the gun on his side. I raise my palms as a warning. "The day has been nice Christian. Don't ruin it with getting yourself killed."

He slowly moves his hands away from his side, and raises them up in surrender. "You don't want to kill me Arden, I'm too pretty to die."

The playfulness now leaves my face, telling him I'm serious. "Do you really want to take that bet?"

He sighs, putting his hands down. "Promise you won't kill anyone?"

I raise my right hand, "Scouts honor."

He rolls his eyes, "Promise you'll stop them from chopping off my balls."

"I'll guard them with my life." I give a sweet smile.

He groans, "It's not fair you're so pretty, because it makes me want to believe everything that comes out of that little lying mouth of yours."

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