The contract

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"I'm sorry about the situation earlier. Did I surprise you?" I ask Jihye who was still looking at me while we're walking around.

"Yes! You really stood up against Master earlier, Sunbae!" She exclaimed.

"Oh please... It was meant to happened." I told her. She's still couldn't believe what I did earlier.

We're now walking around to kill some time. We already found a room enough for all of us. I was sure I have to fight for my spot earlier but to my surprise they left on the zone on their own. Later about ten minutes I learned that there's a rumor circulating the area.

It is said that I'm the lover of Junghyeok Yu. He obliged when I ran up to him to get us out of the situation. They said that he didn't utter a word earlier because he was too stunned to see me alright.

Oh if only they knew about the contract.

I notice that Jihye stop and was staring at someone. So I stop and look at what she's staring. I flinched when I knew who it was.

"It's the old man from earlier!" She exclaimed.

"Maybe we should get back in our room? It's almost time." I said.

But I was too late as she was already behind him.

"Really? You seem quite laid back, old man. Maybe you don't want to live anymore." She said.

Jihye's wrong he definitely have a plan right now.

Dokja turned around. "You seem laid back as I am." He said before he noticed my presence and look at me.

I just look at ground refusing to look at him. Then turn my attention to Jihye as she began to speak.

"No one will dare come on our room. They know very well what's going to happen to them if they do. But I don't want you to die. I was impressed by how you stood up to master earlier. Of course, Sunbae is still more impressive she managed to slap Master in the face." She finished as she link her arms on my arm.

I still couldn't look at Dokja. I don't know if he received the message I told the others but... I just couldn't look at him.

"I won't. Don't you worry. And you don't necessarily have to find a room to survive the night." I know he said it to Jihye but why do I feel like he's still looking at me.

Jihye look at him wide eyes. " Are you... That strong? As strong as Master?" She ask.

Nope, not right now.

"You two should return to the room." A voice suddenly spoke. I look behind me to see Junghyeok standing.

"Oh master! Yes Sir!" Jihye attentively answered. "Let's go, Sunbae." She gently grabs my hands and we started to walk.

"Are you going to fight the monsters?" I stop on my tracks as I heard Junghyeok asked. Jihye also stop when she heard the question.

"You'll die and your buddies too." He continued. I whipped around finally having courage to look at Dokja. I know he's not planning to die. At least not yet. He won't let anyone he knows dies.

Our eyes met. But instead of him giving me a look of something I don't want to see in his face he just smiled at me. A genuine smile before he turns to Junghyeok

I was about to say something when Jihye grabs my arms and making me run away from the two men with her.

I didn't get to hear the last part of their talk.

Soon enough Junghyeok was already beside me.

"What did he say?" I ask.

"Nothing that interests me." He answered. Couldn't he just tell me what did he say? What a jerk!

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