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(Hyejin's POV)

"Hyejin-ah!! Pull yourself together!!!" The choreographer scolded me, earning looks from the back up dancers.

I was catching my breath and uttered an apology to everyone. My sweat trickled down the side of my face which I quickly wiped with the back of my hand.

"This is the 4th repeat of the same part. Focus!!!" He continued. "Again! From the top."

I gained composure and concentrated during the remaining time of practice.

"And five and six and swoop and kick! Nice! Keep it up!" The choreographer clapped to the beat.

I swayed to the center and popped the last move, trying to focus on every single detail for the dance.

"Four, three, two, and one!" He stopped the music and looked back at me. "Now was that so hard?"

(Yeon's POV)

"I can't stand you!" Hyejin spat as we arrived at the company.

All she did the whole ride was give me a cold shoulder and spew hateful comments about what happened.

I made a turn and parked the car in the designated parking lot and undid my seatbelt.

"No!" She stopped me. "You don't have a reason to follow me around here since this is PDnim's building! Just leave me alone for once!" She exclaimed before slamming the car door.

I watched her enter the company building before driving off to the parking area.

Once parked, I let out a huge sigh and undid my seatbelt. I was contemplating whether I should listen to her, maybe let her cool down a little bit. Maybe I should cool down?

I got out of the car and went to the smoker's area, playing around with my zippo lighter in one hand. I fished out a pack of cigarettes from my pocket and placed a stick between my lips.

All I can say is, for a 5'5, 24-year-old girl, she has a lot of anger balled up inside her.

Lighting up the cigarette, I took a drag, exhaling the smoke, letting the nicotine run through my system.

She never really went out as much ever since I got hired to be honest. All she had was a routine.

Home, work, home, fitting, home, photoshoot, home, studio, home.

Maybe that's why she is so fed up with it. She's like a horse with blinders, forced to focus on what is ahead - and for the company, that is her career. And her career only.

Life of an idol is so hard.

"Ya! You're that new guy, right?" I heard a raspy voice.

I turned to my side while exhaling smoke and gave him a small nod.

"How bad is she? Has she gone bonkers yet?" He joked which caused his companion to snicker with him.

"Aren't you too old to be making fun of her?" I uttered.

Their eyes went wide at my response.

"Ya!!! Aren't you too young to be talking to us like that?! Where's your respect!?"

"Pfft, I swear kids these days," he commented while lighting another stick.

"He probably hasn't seen how crazy that chick is! She's all up in her head! I'm surprised the boss hasn't terminated her contract yet! I'm just grateful he didn't assign me to her! I would have jumped off the building because of her!"

The other guy laughed at his friend's comment.

"For someone who demands respect, you sure don't have one," I interjected.

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