Chapter Twenty-Seven: A Weakening Bond.

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Elizabeth chuckled as she watches Leo and Liam playing PlayStation at Sharon's place. Elizabeth and Leo were visiting Liam and his grandmother on a Saturday. Where Leo and Liam were playing on the new PlayStation Elizabeth got for Liam in the living room, Elizabeth was with Sharon in the kitchen – helping her with the dinner. If she is honest, she is just present in the kitchen – she isn't truly helping Sharon with anything, and with Elizabeth's kitchen experience, it is better if she stays away from the cooking, or else they will be ordering a takeaway.

"You shouldn't have got him such an expensive gift, my dear," Sharon told Elizabeth as she chopped the celery as they two hear Leo and Liam screaming and yelling at the game in the living room. Elizabeth shrugged and took a piece of celery before putting it in her mouth, "He wanted it for a long time and also, he got such good grades in school. He deserved it." Elizabeth replied once she chewed and swallowed the piece of celery.

Sharon put the knife down and placed her hands on the counter, "Nevertheless, Elizabeth, that gift is – it is too expensive." Sharon spoke softly as she looked down at the chopped vegetables. Elizabeth could see that Sharon was struggling to speak up her mind. She could see how hesitant Sharon has is. So, Elizabeth decided to encourage her to speak up – she doesn't want Sharon or Liam to feel uneasy around her. "What is it, Sharon? Why can't I buy something expensive?" Elizabeth questioned calmly.

Sharon lift her gaze and look at Elizabeth, who was already watching the woman with her eyebrows knitted in concern. Sharon heaved a sigh, "Well, you are a nice girl – a perfect girl, even. You are very considerate to remember Liam – but, don't mind – but, I don't want him to get used to all this," She slowly spoke. She remembered to keep her voice down – in case she could be heard by Leo or Liam outside.

Elizabeth creased her forehead, "I don't understand," She mumbled.

Sharon exhaled and smashed her lips, "Well, Liam is – I don't know how to say this without offending you." She waved her hands defeatedly.

Elizabeth shook her head, "No, no – please. Tell me what you mean. I will not be offended, promise." She spoke with her hand over her chest. She truly wanted to know what Sharon means, because lately, Sharon seemed a little disturbed. Elizabeth wanted to know if she was the cause of it and if yes, then why? What did she do to make her feel that way?

"Liam is extremely close to Leo. He calls him dad, even when I asked him not to, but he does. I feel that – um, he shouldn't be so close the either of you. I don't want him to get hurt when one day you and Leo get somewhere better and maybe start your own family. He relies on Leo and now, he is getting attached to you. I want him to learn to survive on his own, because let's be honest, Elizabeth. With his mother in prison for better, and even if she comes out someday, I don't want him near my daughter, and with me aging – I don't know how long will it take before Liam is without a family," Sharon exhaled once she was done. Tears pooled in her eyes as she thought about her grandson.

Elizabeth thought she forgot to breathe for a second, not because she was offended by Sharon's words but because she could see where this was coming from. She could see the concern deep in Sharon's eyes. She could feel the thud in her chest for the young boy playing with Leo, outside. If Elizabeth was in Sharon's place, she would have had the same concerns. She opened her mouth, but no words escaped. What could Elizabeth say? What promises can Elizabeth make? There is just one thing she can assure Sharon of, no matter where they are, no matter what she and Leo does in their lives – she will never forget about Liam. He will always be a part of her family – if she ever had one, and even if she doesn't – she is not going toss Liam away.

"You are awfully quiet," Leo noticed as he sits in the passenger's seat while Elizabeth took the wheel. Elizabeth forced her lips to curl into a soft smile as she glanced towards Leo, who was already looking at her. Of course, Elizabeth has been quiet and tangled in her thoughts after talking to Sharon about Liam. "What is on your mind?" Leo asked.

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