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    More of Daniel's POV! 🥰😚 Follow me on IG: @itsmabelz_art

               DANIEL'S POV

   "Dude, for real. My stomach hurts," I tell Boma before turning my attention on the paper I'm holding. I tick the activities we have done in the program and sigh, "Science quiz will be coming soon".

"Daniel, if you are hungry, go and eat. Stop overworking yourself. This life is simple oo. If you know the solution to your problem, do it. No dey waste time," Boma says and shrugs, digging his hands into his trouser pockets.

I peer at him before shaking my head. "But I have a lot to do".

"Is it until you faint that you will understand that food is important?" he snaps and kicks the chair I'm sitting on. It vibrates, sending a chill up my spine.

"I cannot faint," I chuckle and swing my leg in an attempt to hit him but he dodges it. "I can bear hunger. I'll eat later".

"Because you are my bro and I know you will regret this decision. Let me go and bring that lunch bag you brought to school. There is food inside, abi?"

I wave my hand dismissively. "Dude, don't worry about it" I tick some activities on the list and rise. "I have places I need to rush to. I can't sit down to eat".

"Guy, rest jhare!" he snarls. "You aren't the first to be Head boy. Previous Head boys no starve themselves for this school. Better come and eat".

"You're starting to sound like my mom. Stop," I chortle and turn to leave. He grabs my sleeve and pulls me back. "Thank you for the sermon, Boma".

"I don't need your thank you," he hisses and let's go. I check the wrinkles he caused on my shirt and look at him.

With a nod, I add, "Oya go and bring the food. I'll eat it".

He smiles at once. "Correct boy"

"Whines!" I laugh. "I'll be back here. Just give me ten minutes. Bring the food oo".

"Of course na. I'll even buy drink to step it down"

"My gee!"


I salute him and tread to the hall where the events are going on. After the science quiz will be the football game so it's best I eat before then. I head to tackle some unfinished tasks and return to Boma. Just when I open the food flask, a boy runs down to me.

"Sorry, senior but it's time for the science quiz," he disclose.

"No na. Drama club is first," I respond.

"Yes but they are not ready so the quiz is first"

"Who made that adjustment?" Boma grumbles.

"The Principal!" The boy replies innocently with a smile but Boma scoffs and drains the joy from his face. "It's the principal that said I should call you. I didn't do anything".

"Did I say you did anything?" Boma mumbles with a grave look on his face, his jaws grinding.

"Boma, calm down," I say and begin to close the food.

"Guyy, chop that food oo" he exclaims and pulls my hand from closing it. "Sweet fried yam and egg. Guy now! Haba! How can you abandon it?"

"Didn't you hear? It's time for the science quiz," I reply and swing my gaze to the boy. "You can go. I'm coming right now".

"He is not oo. Better tell the Principal," Boma hollers.

"Don't mind him. I'm coming"

"Daniel, eat!"

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