My Hero

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I walk into the cafeteria, about to starve. They have good food out, as usual, and I layer my plate with food. I look over to see Maya sitting with Logan and Blaine, who's staring me down like a hawk. I sigh and take a seat at an empty table in the front of the cafeteria, on the other side of the room; closer to the Alpha table.

Should I tell Felix what Blaine did? I feel it was completely out of line, and I feel extremely violated as well. I've never kissed anyone before, and Blaine just stole that from me. I hate him for that.

I pick at my food, suddenly realizing that I've lost my appetite. My mark feels sore from earlier, but I'm used to it.

I decide that since I'm not going to eat, and I can't stand Blaine's obvious staring anymore, that I will go change into my uniform. Considering everyone else is wearing there's and I'm wearing sofees and a t-shirt; I stick out like a sore thumb. I get up and throw my plate away and head up to my room. I change into my uniform and make it to the work room just in time for class. I get the usual stares and winks, but nobody approaches me.

Felix walks in and begins giving us instructions. He tells each individual person what they needs to work on, and pairs them up with someone who can help them, and vice versa. Everyone except two boys, and of course me. He pulls us aside.
"You 3 are my strongest skilled fighters that I have. You have impressed me fighting one on one against another opponent, but now I want to see what you can do against 2. You will each take turns fighting 2 opponents. I will observe you when I am not helping other groups, but you will continue fighting even when I'm not watching. You know the rules; no shifting, low blows, or fatal hits. Maverick you're up first." We nod and take a section of the mat that is unoccupied.

The Maverick guy steps in front of us, facing us. He throws a punch at the other guy, who dodges it. Since his rib cage is exposed I send a karate chop straight to the ribs. He grabs his ribs in pain, as the other guy sweeps his feet out from under him, but Maverick grabs him and slams him on his back while he falls to the ground. He goes to get up but I tackle him back down and pin him to the ground while the other guy grabs his neck, not hard enough to choke him but enough to keep his head still. He tries to kick me off but he's just not strong enough. He growls but bows his head in submission. I get off him while the other kid lets go of his neck.

Seriously? That was too easy.

We decide that I should go next. We take the same positions as before, but I'm facing them both as they face me. The first boy, who I found out is named Mitch, takes a swing at me. I grab his fist and flip him onto his back. I try to get on top of him to pin him to the ground but Maverick knocks me off, but I leap up and I punch him in the gut. I can sense Mitch coming up behind me so I turn and throw my foot up, kicking him in the face, causing him to do a back flip then land on his back. He goes to get up but I tackle him to the ground, just then Maverick decides to pull the same move that I did on him, and karate chop me in the ribs. Right on my Mark.

I howl in pain and clutch my side, as Mitch takes this opportunity to kick me off of him. I land with a smack on the ground as I try to contain the fire that's threatening to come out. I bow my head in submission as I try to stand up. Another burst of pain. I collapse back to the ground as my vision starts getting hazy. I feel Mitch and Maverick trying to help me up, but as soon as they touch me they get scorched by my burning skin. They yell out in pain. I take a few deep breaths as I try to reason with my wolf, try to get her to calm down. A few minutes pass and she listens, and the pains ease up. I slowly rise as Felix walks back into the room after talking with one of the other Alphas. He runs over to help me up, wrapping an arm around my waist. Once again I feel those familiar tingles, and I welcome them.

"Are you alright? Do you need to sit down?" I take a deep breath and shake my head. "I'm umm, I'm alright now, just no more blows to the ribs." He looks at me worriedly, but let's me go.
Class ends shortly after my little episode, and Felix excuses me from helping after class, saying I need to get some rest. I head back to my room, and guess who I just happen to bump into.


"Hey Amber." He smiles and waves. I attempt to walk past him, but he grabs my waist and pushes me against the wall. "It's not nice to ignore people," he says, while he runs his fingers across my cheek. I try to pull away but he holds me still. "Oh little Amber, you're so cute when you struggle." He gently moves my hair, and begins trailing kisses down my neck. "I know you seen me in the cafeteria today, were you avoiding me?" He asks between kisses. I attempt to push him off, but today's events have unfortunately left me weaker than I normally am, from lack of energy. "Blaine, please don't do this, I don't want this." I hear him laugh lowly. "You don't know you want it yet because you've never had it. Believe me when I'm done with you you'll be begging me for more," he chuckles as he starts kissing down my collarbone. "Blaine get off of me!!" I scream, in hopes someone who hear.

And someone did.

I hear a loud, very angry growl, and suddenly Blaine is picked up off his feet and thrown down the hallway. Blaine grumbles, but sees who it is, turns, and runs. Felix looks at me. "Are you alright?" I just look up at him. This guy just saved me from whatever that boy had in mind for me, and I am so thankful. Without even thinking I throw my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. He seems taken back, but doesn't hesitate to wrap his arms around my waist. I hear a low growl come from deep in his chest, and I could've sworn I heard the word "mine" come out of his mouth, but in my flustered state I could've just been imagining it. I look up at him. "Thank you so much," I choke out. He nods. "You're welcome Amber, now go back to your room,-" he looks down the hallway. "-I've got some unfinished business to attend to. I will come by and check on you later." I nod, and release him, and walk back to my room silently.

When I'm inside I break down. I have so many emotions running through my mind I don't know what to do. I feel completely violated to the point where I'm ready to call this quits and go home, but at the same time I don't wanna leave Felix. I love being around him, I love being in his arms, I love his smell, his gentleness, everything about him. But then again my mother told me to stay away from him, and I don't like to defy her wishes.

But this might have to be an exception.

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