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Veronica's POV
I was walking the halls of school as I looked through my spell book when I bumped into Betty.

"Sorry..." she told me.

She asked "whatcha reading?"

I then said "reading my family's old spell books."

She smiled saying "hey if you need help I can help."

I shook my head saying "no! I'm...I'm fine..."

She then said "don't worry. But I have some books back at my house. Maybe they can help?"

I said "yes that would be amazing!"

She smirked saying "go on and ask Archie."

I nodded and she walked off. As I continued looking through books I groaned laying down on my bed as my door was knocked on.

My mom came in smiling "Mija why are you looking at these old books?"

I said "mom, I get you don't like magic, but come on."

She sighed sat down and I said "hey don't you do magic? Why didn't you want to do magic?"

She then said "the laws of nature sweetheart...you break the laws they will not hesitate but to hurt you."

I then said "like what?"

She told me "imagine your father or I passing away, you cannot bring us back."

I ask "why?"

She sighed saying "if you ask the laws of nature to bend the rules for you, they will want something worth just as much in return..."

I gulped and she sighed and said "but don't worry...you never need to bring someone back from the dead...it would be extremely dangerous. To you and the people you care for most."

I nodded and she smiled and kissed my head. When I got to Archie's he saw me and I began crying. He was confused and ran over to me.

I said "I'm sorry...I tried...I really tried..."

He sighed and I cried and said "but I can't bend the laws of nature to bring you back...I couldn't keep my promise..."

He hugged me and said "I know..."

I was confused and looked at him and he said "Betty and I for centuries have asked dozens of witches to make us human, always ending with, nature will not allow me without a price."

I frowned and he held my face "you did the best you could do, I promise."

I sniffled and said "what would happen if I broke the law..."

He said "no! No! Nature will take away something more precious from you! It will hurt you! Kill you!"

I frowned and said "but you want to be human..."

He sighed and said "I do...but I can't have you get hurt for my selfish reasons."

I sniffled and he held me and kissed my head.

I cried and he held my face saying "hey..."

I looked at him and he said "I want you to be the happiest you can ever be. I'm gonna make you happy."

I smiled gently and he smiled and kissed me. I laughed holding his face and he pulled away.

"Let me make you something to eat, some tea, rest up and calm down..."

I nodded and he smiled as we went to his kitchen.

Betty's POV
"I'll be fine! I've gotta get home and make sure nothing happens, I'll call you when I get there."

He nodded and kissed me and I held his neck saying "remember don't invite anyone in..."

He nodded and I laughed gently as I left.

As I walked home it began raining.

I groaned "really? I wanted to walk in peace."

I sighed as I continued. The rain became heavier and I barley could see through, as I looked around I decided running home wasn't the best option. As I tried getting home I made it into the woods but heard something behind me. As I turned thunder struck and I gulped as I heard running more and more around me and all of a sudden I felt someone stab my stomach. I gasped and held the stake and saw the person smirking and they jabbed it further and I gasped as they suddenly snapped my neck.

Archie's POV
I smiled as Veronica wrapped her arms around me as I turned around and she wore just my shirt and laughed.

She said "to us..."

She poured herself and I a drink and we clinked the glasses as I stopped and something felt off.

I looked around and she said "something wrong?"

I nodded saying "Betty should be home..."

She said "she's probably with Jughead..."

I grabbed my phone and dialed a number as the rain grew heavier and Jughead picked up.

"What's up Archie?"

I asked "have you seen Betty?"

He said "is she not home?"

I told him "no..."

He freaked out and hung up and I said "Betty's not with Jughead...somethings going on..."

She frowned and I said "fuck..."

I told her "track her!"

She was confused saying "oh! A spell!"

I nodded and she nodded and ran upstairs.

We were on my bed as she said "what do I do?"

I sighed and said "you have the spell and a map."

I gave her my hand and she gulped.

She said said "I don't wanna hurt you Archie..."

I said "please..."

She sighed and sliced my hand and I allowed the blood to drip on the paper. She read the spell in the book enchanting it and the blood began moving to a remote location. I smiled gently as she stopped and panted.

I grabbed her saying "just rest up. I'm gonna go..."

She nodded and I kissed her and left but as I was outside.

I saw Jughead on a motorcycle "hell no!"

He shouted "hell yes!"

I groaned and he got into my car and we drove.

"Do you know where she is?" He asked.

I nodded as he said "I shouldn't have let her go I'm sorry..."

I groaned and said "shut up, let me drive."

When we got there I saw the house and I said "stay in the car."

He nodded and I walked to the home, I knocked on the door and as it opened the man smirked at me.

I panicked "Edgar..."

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