Colouring (SHORT)

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This chapter contains:
•Child! Reader
If you do not like this, or cannot tolerate it, please do not read.


You giggle, calling Sundrop over from where he hung upside down on the bars, making funny faces.

You, his favourite daycare attendee, (though he tried not to show the clear favouritism) had drawn him and Moon, even colouring inside the lines! While you weren't much of an artist yet, there was still skill there that, if you practiced enough, could become something awesome.

He skipped over, lifting you off the ground and wirling you around before placing back down. You smiled widely, showing off the paper with pride. "ta da!" You yell as you do so and he gasps dramatically, snatching your free hand and dragging you over to the favourites wall, where drawings children did (though it was mostly yours) would be put. He pinned it amongst the plethora of others, giving you a lemon scented sticker and patting your head gently.

Then, a thing that only ever happened near you, sun lowered down to your height and changed his voice to a caring and nurturing tone, "well done sunbeam, I love it!" Just then, a child called his name, and he darted off.

You clapped, proud of yourself, and attempting to rid yourself of the red blush that took hold of you at the praise, shaking off the embarrassment and hurrying off to play in the playscapes.


It was closing time, and your parents had not turned up yet. While this was a regular thing, sun still felt a bit disappointed they had not shown up on time every opportunity this happened. While they didn't mean to neglect you, they were busy with work and coudn't always be there immediately.

Seeing his forlorn expression, you smile a sad smile, grabbing his hand. "It's okay Mr. Sun, it means we can go colour till they do arrive." You suggest, and he nods. "Yeah, yeah." He smiles, and walks with you to the colouring table, getting out some crayons and paper.

The two of you colour until your mum arrives, apologizing again for leaving you late, and thanking Sun for his patience. He waves you goodbye and off you strut, garbling on about what you did today. Sun nods after closing the doors and heads up to his room, ready to recharge.


You cuddle your teddies that night, your favourites being Sun and Moon, which are tightly cuddled to you.

You yawn, turning over and soon falling asleep, dreaming of the adventures you and Sun would have the next day.


Sorry this was short, but y'know.

I will try and make longer stories but for now they're going to be short.

Also, for those asking for translations because their phone can't read fonts, I am currently making a chapter on all the ones with fonts.

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