Part 1 library mischief

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me and Em were in the library today causing our normal mischiefs, Em stops me behind a bookshelf “yk that golden guard that decided to mess with luz and mittens?”

Mittens has been going on about that fight with him, he seemed like a huge jerk for that, there literal kids and he’s going to attack them at least fight someone his own size “yeah why?”

She gave me a grin “what if we help luz and mittens by giving him some payback?”

I raise my eyebrow “payback like how?”

She looks around to make sure no one was around “we can sneak into the castle and pull our biggest prank yet! We can make the golden guard look like a fool"

I liked the sound of this we could get in mega trouble but it would so piss the golden guard off “FUCK YEAH IM IN”

“shhhhh we’re still in a library ed”

I look around “oh right.”

“Let’s split up for our next one I think double the trouble being caused in the library is better”

I give her a nod as we spilt up and walk off, I walk down the isles of the library looking for some nerd to mess with, then I see a blonde dude that looks around my age, I grin and start to think of what I could do, I make his book fly right out of his hand into the air, he jumps up trying to reach it and I let out a little chuckle “what the fuck!? Who’s doing this??”

I start making the book go up and down to tease him, he latches onto the book, and I start making it spin with him on it, he flings off into a book shelf making a bunch of books fall right onto him, I started roaring with laughter "WHAT THE FUCK I CAN HEAR YOU, YOU BETTER RUN"

He gets up and starts making his way to where I was, his face was tomato red “hey blondie~” i say

I get up and start running as he chases after me, I’ve been chased by multiple people after pranks so I was confident he wasn’t going to get me, but to my surprise he was still right behind me- I decide to run out the library and hide in the alley next to it, I hide peeking out the side to see if he saw where I went, but he wasn’t there- “peek a boo”

I turn around and get slammed against the wall, he starts yelling nonsense at me, nothing I really cared to listen to “if you wanted to ask me on a date so bad there’s better ways to do it~”


He lets me go and I start laughing, he rolls his eyes and starts to walk away “hey, hey hold on blondie”

He speeds up “stop calling me that.”

I catch up to him, and stand right Infront of him, he stops and gives me a blank stare while I smile at him “then can you tell me a name to go with that handsome face?”

He rolls his eyes “Hunter, you?”

I give him a huge grin “Edric, Edric blight”

I extend my hand for him to shake, and he raises his eyebrow at me “like blight industries?”

He shakes my hand and I roll my eyes “yeah that’s my parent’s business”

He starts mumbling but I couldn’t hear him, “what’s that blondie?”

He glares at me, “I said don’t call me that blight”

“hmmm fine what about the love of my life?”

He rolled his eyes at me “you’re such a flirt”

I smiled and winked, he started walking away again, “so where are we going grumpy”

“IM going back to the library to get my stuff and go”

I rolled my eyes, God what’s up his ass “that’s no funnnnnnnnnnnnn, let’s do something fun”

“im not your babysitter leave me alone”

I frowned at him, and starting sighing, and sighing, and sighing >:)) “ughhhhhhh, will you shut up if I let you sit with me QUIETLY while I read?”

“hmmmmmm that’s still boring but I’ll take it”

We walk in and find the isle we were at previously; I get his book for him, and we sit down, he’s actually pretty cute, he has nice blonde hair, pretty magenta eyes, his little tooth gap is adorable “what are you looking at?”

He looked up to see me staring “your handsome face~ I can’t keep my eyes off you~”

He rolled his eyes and I smiled; he had a scar on his face but I couldn’t see it from where I was, so I grabbed his face to make him face me “hey- what the fuck- what you doing- “

“I wanted to see your scar”

He looked away from my eyes as I looked at his scar “so how’d u get this?”

He looked at me “work.”

“Work? What kind of work?”

“Work that doesn’t concern you”

I noticed I was still holding his face, he didn’t seem to mind, but our faces were close “your breath stinks”

I let go and backed up “excuse me?”

He smiled “you should brush your teeth man”

I sat back down next to him, well damn what a letdown, I leaned on him “whatcha readinnnnnnnn”

he sighed “I thought I said to be quiet?”

“But that’s boringggggggggggggggg”

He laid his head on top of mine “are all you blights this annoying?”

I laughed “just me and Em, mittens on the other hand is pretty serious and yk like responsible and stuff”

he sat up and started laughing “mittens!!??”

“Yeah, that’s what we call our little sister, it embarrasses her she turns red as a tomato!”

We both start laughing “HOLY SHIT”

I jumped up; and hunter cocked his head at me “what?”


He looked at his scroll “it’s not that late”


I quickly start running off to the front of the library “it’s about time.”

I try and catch my breath “I was- I was- hanging- out- with a friend- “

“Which friend?”

I smile as we start walking home “a new one~”

She raises an eyebrow “oh? What are they like?”

“oh~ he’s got this nice blonde hair~ he’s short~ he has these beautiful magenta eyes~ he has a cool scar on his face~ he’s my age~ and he has the most adorable tooth gap! And finally a handsome voice~”

“Oh lord was it ‘love at first sight’”

She gives me a blank stare I mockingly reply “I think so~ I think he’s the one~”

We both start laughing “well I better get to meet your ‘boyfriend’ soon~”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2022 ⏰

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