hajimes sick day

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Requested by Rerewritesokaystuff

Before despair Au :b

Hajime and gundam were sleeping, gundam was holding hajime tightly until the alarm went off causing both of them to wake up frightened. Hajime squeaked while gundam fell out the bed taking the blanket with him "ow" the black haired male looked up at his lover who slowly got up he looked sick then he tried to move his arms but he winced and squeaked in pain "are you alright my world?" He asked as he got up and wrapped the blanket on his lover who looked like he was in pain "yeah... Just stretched a little to much..." He said before coughing "I'm fine" "are you sure love?" "Yeah" he smiled as they both got up

During class

Hajime was coughing and sneezing up a storm but every time he did gundam would ask if he was okay every time he did hajime would cuddle up next to him and cling on to him and whine in pain "hajime a-are you O-okay?" Mikan asked getting up since the bell just rang but when hajime was gonna say he's okay he threw up and yelled in pain as he stumbled back wards a little "m-my world!" His lover yelled worried

In the dorm

Mikan checked hajimes temperature then look extremely scared and surprised "he's b-burning up!" She said as she ran to make medicine shoving the thermometer at gundam who was standing next to Sonia they both saw hajimes temperature '107 F' "hajimes temperature is dangerously high!" Sonia said in fear of her friends health "love why didn't you say something?" "I didn't want to seem weak to you..." "Love I know your not weak, your one of the strongest mortals I know, I wouldn't see you as weak if you had a fever" he said hugging his lover who clinged to him in pain "gundam I don't think you should be close to hajime right now, hes in pain and hes sick you could catch his fever" fuyuhiko tried to convince him but hajime clinged to gundam tightly but gundam had no plans of leaving, a few others tried to convince him but when kazuichi tried he got smacked "if I said I'm staying with my partner I'm staying with my partner." He growled as he got him and hajime in a comfy position so they could cuddle without Hajime having to move to much

"You comfortable my love?" He asked gently as hajime nodded but then he shot up and ran to the restroom and they heard the muffled sounds of someone throwing up and yelling in pain "gundam if you-" he wasn't there. "I'm bac- wheres hajime and gundam?" "In the restroom." "Why?" "Hajimes throwing up and gundams comforting him" "awww!" The purple haired girl said then a girl with blonde hair and bear pins and a girl with black short hair entered the dorms "hey wheres hajime?" The blonde asked "who are-" "his sisters, DUH!" "His older sisters" the blonde said sarcastically and the black haired said at the same time "I'm sorry but hajime has a really bad fever at the moment" "oh no!" "What? He's sick?" "Oh hey mukuro, junko" the brunette said as he was being carried in his lovers arm who was extremely worried

He put him on the couch gently then walked away both sisters sat down with with sympathetic faces

(In this Au I like to think that junko, mukuro and hajime do actually care for each other alot)

"I'll get you some soup" mukuro said getting up while junko got up "and I'll bring some entertainment for you!" Junko said leaving the dorms while hajime shivered "why is it so cold...?" He mumbled then tried to move but winced in pain "ow... Where gundam go?" He asked sadly before getting up or well trying but the tumbled backwards "GUNDAM WHERE'D YOU GOOO?!!" He yelled while akane helped him "JUST GIVE ME A MINUTE!" He yelled

After an hour of hajime crying for gundam to come back

Gundam was back he had brought a lot of pillows and blankets "it took you an hour to get just that?" Hajime he cried but then saw a bunch of animals behind him but then nagito yelled at gundam "you are NOT bringing all that on the couch. Go somewhere else with that s###." He said angrily "I just-" "I'll help you bring it back to your room." He said

After another hour

Hajime was eating the soup mukuro made and was watching the demon slayer movie junko gave him with a few others the animals piled on him while he was wrapped in at least 7 blankets in his pillow fort gundam was sitting outside of the fort watching the movie, he was obviously confused "everything hurts..." He complained the devas snuggled hajimes face and gundam got in the pillow fort to cuddle him "it's alright my love, I'll take care of you until this curse is over" he said giving his lover a kiss "thanks gundam" he said snuggling him then he yawned "get some rest my dear" he said gently then he heard a knock on the door "come in" "how's he doing?" Fuyuhiko asked "he just fell asleep" "oh." Then loud rock music blasted from ibukis room who was across from gundams

Hajime flinched and woke up covering his ears (head canon! I like the idea that hajime has extremely good hearing like DOLORES LEVEL HEARING) and small tears welled up in his eyes and this obviously made gundam mad "watch him for me real quick" he said slowly getting "hey its okay brother. It's alright" then the sound of yelling was heard

In ibukis room

"IBUKI! HAJIME IS SLEEPING NEXT DOOR!" Mahiru yelled but ibuki couldn't hear her then her guitar was unplugged "huh?" "My lover is asleep next door. Go do this somewhere else. idiota" he said leaving

Hajime still had his ears covered "it's okay my dear" gundam said comforting his lover while fuyuhiko went to yell at ibuki "its alright darling" he said gently as hajime looked up at him and cuddled him "promise thats the last time your leaving?" He asked with a sore throat "yes my love" they both fell asleep

The next morning

Their alarm went off and they both shot up but then gundam started sneezing and coughing "you okay my dear?" Gundam laughed a little before saying

I think I'm sick will you take care of me?

Hinadam One shotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang