mini specials

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John: you are my fire~

Sera: the one desire~

Isen: believe when I say~

Remi: I want it that way~

Arlo: stfu

Arlo: you guys aren't funny.

Arlo: and that song is so ****ing old.

Arlo: go the **** to bed.

Arlo has been muted by John

Blyke: thx

John: np

Blyke: tell me why!!!!!~

Elaine: ain't nothing but a heartache~

Blyke: Tell Me why!!!

Isen: ain't nothing but a mistake~

Blyke: tell me why~

Sera: I never wanna hear you say~

John: I

Sera: want

Remi: it

Blyke: that

Isen: way

Elaine: wooooooooooo!!!!!

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