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Mila De'Nya Davis 💗
Jacksonville, Florida📍
2 months later

"Guess what jayda." I said while on FaceTime with her

"Wat baby." She said giving me her full attention

I turned my camera around so I could show her

I turned my camera around so I could show her

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"You lying." Jayda said as she took an screenshot

"Don't post it until I'm ready to show the world." I said

"I won't how many months are you." She asked

"I am 7 months and 1 week today." I said rubbing my belly

"You know what you're having."

"Nope still waiting." I said

"What y'all want." Jayda asked

I want another boy and nardo wants another boy while the rest of my family wants a girl." I said rolling my eyes

"Well I'm on the girl side." She said


"Sorry I'll call you back loyal doing some stuff right now."

"Okay boo I love you." I said

"Love you too." She said as she hung up


Not poof read sorry for mistakes

Mila pregnancy!!


Just a little filler

Sorry it's short

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