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Skipped the First Mission Filler Arc.

After Boruto stopped a man from blowing himself up in the bank they arrived at the place where they met up with Konohamaru and Kotaro.

"Kotaro-san! What happened?!" Y/N asked

"They got us. They cleaned out all of the jewels in the safe." Kotaro said

"The case that you guys solved was just a diversion to distract us." Konohamaru said

"Damn it!" Y/N said

"Seems like it's the work of these guys who call themselves noble thieves." Kotaro said

"The Byakuya Gang?" Y/N asked

"They've been active in several other villages here and there. They leave no traces and they're anonymous." Konohamaru said

"I'm about to investigate the inside of the safe." Konohamaru said

"I'll go to investigate too." Boruto said

"You shouldn't! it's too cold in there without appropriate clothing." Kotaro saix

"I'm used to cold temperatures, so I'll be fine." Boruto said


Boruto, Konohamaru, and Kotaro got inside the safe.

"It's so cold!" Boruto said while hugging himself and shivering

"It's kept at minus twenty in here. If the temperature up even one degree, the alarm is programmed to go if. It's nearly impossible to steal things in here" Kotaro said

"Which means this was an inside job." Konohamaru said

"I'm investigating from that angle, but..." Kotaro said


"I hope Boruto's okay." Mitsuki said

"He's probably shivering in there." Sarada said

"That yellow blockhead." Y/N said

Y/N saw a frozen flower beside him on the table he touched it and the petals fell off.

"Sarada,Mitsuki don't you think this is strange?" Y/N asked

"What is?" Sarada asked

"Look, you two." Y/N showed them the flower

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