trying to get closer

417 44 26

Two weeks passed on mainly silence and frustrated compliance to be at the office, for type to be darting his eyes over some paper to make a face.
Tharn was turned a bit to be typing and quick to his computer to then stop to turn his head to eye type..
"Who is retrieving lunch?"
Type took in a very deep inhale.
"I can."
Need a break anyway.
"Where do you plan to go?"
"The little place across the road."
" know what I want."
Type nodded.
He then got up to go about.
Tharn watched him go to then go back to typing, they were on a bit of a dead line.
Going about, type was to the shop with his hands in his pockets to look forward to wait for his order to look over the other things to menu to think.
Things were going a bit better, however he still didn't know what they were, didn't still really talk to tharn about anything that didn't have to do about work.
Peering his eyes down, the woman in front called type for his order for him to then go to it to grab with a smile to leave.
Going back, type was to the elevator to think the same thing he had been pondering for awhile now, how to get closer to tharn and to have his trust.
Seeing the elevators open, type then went through to go to the office to then place the bag to the table to eye.
Tharn stopped typing to then turn to stand to open the bag to start to pull things out, type stayed where he was too eye.
Tharn then gathered everything out to then sit to start to eat..
"Your staring, what is you want?"
Type took in a deep breathe.
"I don't want a baby sitter anymore."
Tharn shrugged.
"Don't make me late for work."
Type signed.
"I..... Also would like.... To discuss what we are and to get to know the other better."
Tharn chewed slowly to then look up.
"We are at work, I told you. We keep what happens after private."
Types eyes narrowed.
"Even in our private time you still don't give me what I am too be asking for."
Tharn raised an eye brow.
"I'm sure I keep you plenty satisfied, now we need to...."
Type wrapped his arms about himself to look sternly at tharn.
"That's not all what I am too be referring to, why does it have to be all able the se....."
Tharn then flexed his jaw.
"Type!" He interrupted.
Type closed his mouth.
"Now listen here, this is a place of business, these are things to discuss later."
Type rolled his eyes.
"When later comes we never talk about it, it's been about almost 3 months, this is irritating and frustrating."
Tharn tilted his head to really look to type.
"This is not the time to talk."
Type signed and hard.
"Your an asshole."
Tharn shrugged to then look down.
Type took in a deep breathe has silence fell between them to then grab the papers he was working on to then turn to leave, tharn immediately looked up.
"Where do you think you are going? We are very...."
Type placed his hand to the door to then open.
"I'm not hungry and I am going to complete this away from you! Your just using me for sex!"
Tharns eyes widened has type went through the door to then slam it behind him.
Going about, type then stood in front of the elevator to shake his head.
I'm being such an idiot! It's just sex, that's all this is! Doesn't care about me, doesn't want anything else, just keeps fooling me that.....
Type then took in a deep breathe has he watched the numbers start to come up to sign and hard when he heard tharn right next to him.
Tharn looked over type to then go to his ear.
"Get your spoiled privileged ass back into the office now type!"
Type gritted his teeth.
"Fuck off!"
Tharn moved back to eye him over.
"Do you really want your baby sitter back?"
Type turned his head to eye over tharn.
"That's all I am too you, aren't I?"
Tharn made a face to dart his eyes over type, to then wrap his hand to his wrist to then pull him back to the office, to then grab the papers he was holding to throw to the floor, to then act and quick to push him to the back of the office door to have his hands to either side of his arms to stare at him deeply.
"I have told you over and over, you need to gain my trust type, then we will talk. Until then, do your job here and we can discuss things like this when we are in a private setting."
Type narrowed his eyes.
"I have tried time and time again to talk to you when we are not here at work and you won't! I am sick of this, I am more then my fucking body you prick!"
Tharn rolled his eyes.
"I know you are."
Types lips parted..
"Then why do you keep......"
The two turned there heads to eye the door, they both heard a small knock.
Tharn then looked over type.
"Grab those papers, go back to the desk and do your job."
Type then turned his head to look forward.
He then brought up his arms to take tharns away to then push him back a bit.
"You are not going to use me anymore, that is over!"
Tharn narrowed his eyes to watch has type went about him to then grab the papers to go back to the table, tharn turned his head to eye..
Type sat to hang his head.
"What!" He shouted.
"Just wait until we get home, and after, you will be seeing your baby sitter."
Type took in a deep breathe.
"We are not going to....."
Type then shut his mouth has tharn opened the door to start to talk to whoever came to him.
Type then gritted his teeth.
It might be a bitch to do, but I am not going to let you touch me again!
Little did type know, there was no stopping this, at least for now

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