Chapter 90: The Might is Right

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They stood there with a bewildered look on their faces as they saw what had happened in front of them. One moment, Satsuki was in one place.

The in another, she was in another place.

What the hell was that? This thought went across their minds, wandering with a ominous shadow that lurked from behind the curtains.

It wasn't a simple Shunshin - their bodies flickering from the technique that had become a trademark technique amongst Shinobi.


It was something much more strange - a power that had miraculously appeared out of nowhere. Her body had instantaneously materialize from one end to another.

Like a bubble popping but it reappears somewhere else - that's how they would describe it.

In one second, the bubble was there, floating in the air that loomed over them with a sinister glint in its eye. Then... it pops all so suddenly, disappearing into the intoxicating space of air.

But... it appears once more, forming into the same exact bubble but only from a different distance - a different time. Satsuki laughed at their exasperated faces.

"It's not over... just yet~!" In a crazy tone, Satsuki used Jikan once again, time freezing from all sides of the world. In the viewpoints of the others, Satsuki was appearing and disappearing at light speeds every time she disabled Jikan through her command.

One second after another, Satsuki appeared from one end to another, flickering out of existence each time with no worry whatsoever.

It seems the longer I use Jikan, the more chakra it needs. Satsuki mused, letting time move in another second. A smirk crossed her face, Juden lighting sparks of electricity around her eyes.

"Do you all give up?!" She asked with a tone that fits of those who are a killer. Blood exploded from their bodies all of a sudden as Satsuki stood behind them all. They dropped to the ground, their knees hitting dirt as blood stained it red.

"Don't you see?! All of you guys are nothing but piles of trash that lay in front of me! Your power means nothing to someone like me!" Rock Lee got up from the ground, gritting his teeth as he flailed himself forward.

"Giving up... it means defeat!" With a ferocious yell, Rock Lee bursted with anger as he stayed in his 4th Gate. Madly grinning, Satsuki held out her hand as she perceived his movements.


Rock Lee stopped, the bundle of power being stopped in the roots of time. Her hands curled into a fast, bashing Rock Lee's head to the ground.

For Rock Lee: one moment he was striding towards Satsuki, anger oozing from his body - now he found himself teleporting to the ground, his head crashing like a asteroid colliding with Earth.

Whaa...?! His mind trailed away, blood rushing out of his face like the water that he drank. The Gates wanted to stop - to leave his body.

But he refused.

The adrenaline he had now was sprouting like an active volcano spewing ashes and lava. Avoiding a surprise attack from Choji, Satsuki pulled herself out of the moving time, backing away as she let time roll back to its natural course.

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