Ch. 15 Things get heated

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⚠️Warning⚠️ this part of the story is inappropriate so if you are younger than 12 please skip this part.

Me and Adam started making out. We then started taking of our clothes. Adam then started kissing down my neck leaving hickeys. After a hour we finally finished. We got our clothes on and we cuddled for the rest of the night.

I hear moaning coming from Y/n's room. I walked to the boys room to see if they were awake. I knocked on the door and heard the boys said "come in". I walked in and asked "couldn't sleep". "How can we we those to moaning" Charlie said. "Let's hope they don't do it any longer" I replied. "Yeah" Guy said. About a hour later all the moaning stops. "Thank god their done" Fulton said. I walked back to my room and went to bed.

It was morning and I went to my bathroom and showered. After I finished I went downstairs and made everyone breakfast. I made some eggs, pancakes and bacon. Eventually everyone woke up and came downstairs. "Good morning" I said. "Good morning" Connie, Charlie, Guy and Fulton said. "Good morning babe" Adam said well kissing me. We all ate and went to hockey practice even though I still can't play.

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