31. Second Task is a Bit Watery

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The champions were waiting on shore in their costumes they were freezing whoever thought it was a good idea to do this in frickin' February was going to die, they all hoped that they wouldn't get hypothermia due to the cold everyone around them was wrapped up nice and warm while they were in nothing but their swimming costumes, they were freezing.

Otiz sat on Harry's shoulders to try and keep him warm but it wasn't helping Sora was in his warms again wasn't helping to keep him warm, he felt kinda bad that he had two foxes to try and keep himself warm, he sighed and looked at the gillyweed that Neville had given him on the way down, he prayed to whoever was out there hoping this would help him breathe under water for the next hour, Neville had taken it out from Severus' stores and harry knew he would have to replace it at some point or he could as his papa after all he is Headmaster.

'Moody' was behind Harry and as he was about to put it in his mouth he knocked him makings sure he swallowed the gillyweed as Crouch was talking about them getting the treasure closest to them within the hour, the sound of a gun of sorts sounded and so they all jumped in or in Harry's case he fell in leaving Otiz and Sora on the deck close to Draco and Neville.

The water was murky and they could hardly see in front of them, as Harry struggle to breathe somehow with the gillyweed now in his system he could see that Viktor had become some sort of half shark type of thing, his head and torso was that of a shark while his legs were that of a person, Cedric and Fleur had cast a bubble head charm just before they entered the water, the three of them were off like a shot from a gun while Harry struggled until the gillyweed was absorbed into his body.

He watched as his hands and feet became webbed like that of a fish he reached up to his neck and found that he had gills, he could breath under water it was amazing and he swum around to get the feeling of it all.

Above the water Neville was panicking he thought he had killed Harry and didn't know what to do, Draco tried to comfort the Gryffindor about it all and he looked towards Otiz that was just staring at the water like he knew what was happening while Sora being a baby tried to touch it falling off only to be thrown back into Draco with a thud as Harry leapt out of the water, screaming in joy splashing back in to continue with the task.

"See you didn't kill him" said Draco picking up Sora who was crying.

"Thank merlin I didn't I didn't want to go to Azkaban for killing my friend!"

"I'm still alive so don't worry about it, I would of died if Hadrian had died but we are very much alive" he had changed form he was pulling his hair back into a pony tail, his clothes were of a white top with red trim on it along with writing on it saying Kit-tastic, a long light purple robe with red trim and dark blue jeans, it was a fantastic mix of muggle and magical clothing.

"At least we now know" said Draco petting a scared Sora.

In the water Harry had managed to catch up to the others but each one was getting caught in the seaweed that protected the town.

In the water Harry had managed to catch up to the others but each one was getting caught in the seaweed that protected the town

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