Part 4: How is that Possible

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Y/N walked away from Freddy, Vanessa and Gregory as he pulled out his phone

"Oh, before I forget, can you all bring the other animatronics down here?" asked Y/N

"Sure" said Freddy

Freddy, Vanessa and Gregory all went upstairs to get the animatronics

Y/N waited for a second before someone picked up on the other end

" yeah I'm doing good, I'm need you to do me a favor.............well you might not like it but I'll repay you in any way shape or form if you do.............great, can you teleport William to the Plex?" said Y/N

Y/N waited for a few seconds before pulling the phone away from his ear

Vanessa, Freddy and Gregory had just finished grabbing the other animatronics and heard yelling coming from the phone

Once the yelling died down, Y/N put the phone back to his ear

"Look, I know you don't like it but you have to know that I hate it as much as you do" said Y/N

Y/N stayed quiet for a few seconds before talking again

"You know, more that anyone, that I hate just being under the same roof as William and I would never in a million years talk to him willingly but this is important otherwise I would just think of an alternative" explained Y/N to the person on the other side of the phone

He waited again for a few seconds before talking again

"Thank you for doing this" said Y/N

Once again he waited for a few seconds before talking to the person

"We are in the basement of the Plex and thank you again for doing this, I owe you big time" said Y/N before hanging up the phone

Y/N put his phone in his pocket and walked back at the others

"So.......who was that?" asked Gregory

"That was Cassidy" answered Y/N

" in the same Cassidy that was murdered by William and tortured him in hell" asked Vanessa

"Yes" said Y/N

Just as he said yes, the lights flickered for a few seconds before finally shutting off

The only light was coming off of the bunny animatronic before the actual light came back on and two people were standing next to Y/N

One was a man as tall as Y/N and looked like an older version of Y/N's spirit/ ghost form as well. He was wearing a yellow and white suit with a purple bowtie

The other was a girl, a little shorter than Y/N, had two black wings coming out of her back. She was wearing a black and yellow dress and her hair was braided into pigtails. Her eyes looked like Y/N's when he was in his ghost form and had blood on her dress

"Cassidy" said Y/N as he gave her a smile

He then turned to the man

"...William..." said Y/N but with hatred instead

Just as Y/N said William, Freddy stood in front of Gregory in a defensive manner

"Thank you for bringing him here Cass but you can go now if you'd like" said Y/N

"You're welcome but I'm going to stay cause I want to know what's so important that you asked me to bring him here" said Cassidy as she gestures to William

"Ok" said Y/N before turning to William

"I want to find out why that animatronic keeps convincing itself that it's you" said Y/N while pointing at the bunny animatronic

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