Chp 14

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Preston's POV
I could smell my mates scent in Thief territory as soon as I set foot within the markers. I let my threatening howl pierce the quiet forest to tell them I'm coming, and I won't have mercy on anyone who dare to touch Estrella.

Wolves came out at the sound of my howl to defend their territory, but I threw them aside like leaves. Nothing was going to keep me from my love.

She's going to be fine

My wolf tried to assure me, even though there was no calming me down at this point.

"Preston! You go check the prisons, we'll deal with these idiots." Isla ordered, throwing about half a dozen wolves away with her alpha ability.

I simply nodded my head and took off, following the scent I've learned to love since day one.

Estrella's POV
I could hear yelling from somewhere outside, but I couldn't bring myself to say anything. Someone had come down as soon as Preston howled and cut my neck, not enough to kill me -at least if I don't bleed out- but enough to sever vocal cords.

My body ached with the simplest of movements and I could barely keep my eyes open. Luckily for me -it's about time I got some luck- Preston burst into the room. And ran over to me, mumbling apologies and promises to me as he worked to free me.

"Please say something Es." He begged, gently picking me up bridal style.

I want to...... but I just can't....

I vaguely gestured you my bleeding neck with my hand and heard him gasp softly before I blacked out.


I'm not sure exactly how long I've been in the darkness. I would float around and think meaningless thoughts, but when I felt myself going to the light something would drag me back down into the darkness. I hated it.

"How much longer will she have to be sedated?!" A muffled voice broke through the suffocating black, leaving me confused and closer to coming to.
"Relax please alpha, I want her vocal cords to heal as much as they can before she wakes up so she's not in a lot of pain." Another voice replied.

"She'll be fine. She's strong." The first voice hissed, pain and sadness leaking into it.
"Yes she is alpha. But she still needs rest."

I growled lightly, I was confused and my body was starting to ache.

"I have to put her back under."
"No. No more sedation she'll be fine."
"Fine, but I'm giving her some painkillers."

I opened my eyes to see myself in a large white room that smelled of disinfectant, cleaner and blood. There was a man with blond hair and kind, green eyes pushing something into the IV that was stuck in my arm and another young man that I vaguely recognize as Preston. My mate.

Mate! Mate! Mate!

Akira chanted happily -albeit weakly- in my head. I smiled a little, despite her annoying me on occasion she was practically my sister. I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't talk to her anymore.

"Es." Preston breathed a sigh of relief and hugged me gently, wetting my... hospital gown...? With his tears.

Who changed my clothes?
Does it matter? Mates here!

I rubbed his back soothingly to tell him I'm alright since even I knew I shouldn't try using my voice.

"I'll leave you two alone for now, do not try using your voice or it could undo whatever healing that's happened in the past month." The packs doctor ordered, giving me a stern look before walking out.
"I'm so sorry Es, I'm really sorry." I blinked back at Preston and pet him a little.

"I-I'll make it up to you, anything you want I'll give it to you, you deserve it. I'll even get you a-"
I cut him off with a finger to his lips and gestured to my neck, the spot he would mark me.

He stared at me blankly for a moment, probably wondering what on earth possessed me into asking him this.
"You want me to......"
He trailed off but his question was clear. I nodded firmly.

"What if it hurts you...?"
I shook my head and pressed my lips to his gently, finding pleasure in the simple sparks that danced across my skin.
He pulled away slowly, a small smile playing on his lips.

His lips taste good! Do it again!

Akira encouraged, her excited voice getting octaves higher as he kissed from my cheek to my jaw and down my neck. It was hard to bite back my purr, but any sound that came from me could set back my recovery.

I couldn't help but squeak as he found the spot he would bite and he chuckled amusedly.
"Are you sure you want this?"
I nodded enthusiastically and he nodded before his fangs sunk into my flesh, pleasure spreading throughout my body as he claimed me.

We couldn't finish the mating process that day seeing as how I was still injured, but we knew it would only be a matter of time before we did, and to be honest I'm scared. But I know with all my heart that Preston will be there with me every step of the way.


It's been about two weeks and every day Akira pesters me about finalizing the mate bond and Preston says his wolf Dolan does the same. We agreed to wait though, at least until I'm completely healed.

The pack doctor said all of my cuts have healed but I still shouldn't use my voice and I should only walk for a maximum of half an hour before resting at least an hour.

"So I guess your brother's coming over with his mate." Preston informed me after he hung up the phone.
"I didn't realize he had a mate." I said thoughtfully.
"He found her a little after we reunited I guess."

I can't wait to meet his mate, he deserves the best

I smiled softly and stretched.

"He deserves happiness, he's a great brother."
"He helped keep you alive and happy until you met me so whatever I guess."

I giggled, Preston's always trying to seem tougher now that I've been kidnapped.


Within two hours my brother arrived with his mate. She was around my height with blonde hair, stormy gray eyes and lightly tanned skin. She was skinny in a cute kind of way, her My Hero Academia t-shirt hanging off her body a little which was the opposite of her dark blue skinny jeans.

"Estrella, this is my mate Sierra, Sierra this is my sister Estrella and her mate alpha Preston." Evan introduced.
"It's nice to finally meet you, Evan talks about you all the time." Sierra laughed.
"It's nice to meet you too, if he's ever a pain in the butt just turn the wifi off, it's what our parents used to do."

Evan glared at me for telling his mate that, but I just shrugged innocently and continued chatting with Sierra, noticing that the majority of the conversation she'd have her hand on her belly.

"....... Is something wrong with your stomach?" I finally asked.
She paused and smiled.
"Not wrong exactly."
I raised an eyebrow. "What does that mean?"

She glanced back at Evan and he nodded.

"I'm pregnant."


I'm betting you can guess the amount of shock that went throughout the room, even though it was Preston and I who were surprised.

"Someone's moving quick." Preston chuckled, hugging me around my waist.

Oh crap...... he's going to want to have a pup soon......

"Well, unlike my sister," Evan shot me a look. "She was excited to have a mate. We got to know each other and then I marked her. We completed the mating process about a month ago."

"We don't need to know that bro, it's gross." I stated matter-of-factly, because, well it is gross. No way on earth do I want to hear about him and his sex life.

Everyone laughed at my comment before heading downstairs for dinner, where a few people I've gotten to know throughout my recovery were already eating.

For the rest of the night chatter filled the house and for once in my life, everything felt perfect.

This is the happy ending I've always wanted......

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