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Jugheads POV
I was in Bettys bed as she smiled and she opened the curtains slightly and I groaned and she nodded and closed them.

"You're getting sensitive to sunlight..." she informed me.

She helped me up and I said "my heads killing me...it's..."

She said "your senses are heightening...it's okay don't worry..."

I said "my mouth hurts..."

She held my face saying "hey...just calm down you stressing out will only make it worse."

I nodded and kissed her and she held me.

I said "I'm hungry...like more hungrier than usual and I'm not like that."

She held my hand and we went downstairs. I saw everyone and gulped as Betty brought me over to the kitchen. I groaned as the sun hit me and Archie closed the curtains. I sighed and Betty gave me a sandwich. I smiled but as I ate it I coughed it up.

She said "figured that would happen..."

I asked "why does it taste gross?"

I frowned as she said "because your mind doesn't want it, neither does your body...but somehow Juggie in some weird way you want to munch on it."

I sighed and she said "it's normal..."

I nodded and said "I'm hungry...really hungry..."

Betty said "it's still bright out Juggie..."

I shouted "I'm hungry!"

She grabbed me and said "your emotions are heightened just calm down okay?"

I groaned and she said "he needs to feed now Archie."

I sat down and Veronica sat next to me and held my hand.

"You okay?" She asked me.

I looked at her as I heard her heartbeat and felt warmth of her hand. I heard her blood pumping and I walked away from her.

I said "I'm hungry Betty...I'm..."

She said "Juggie..."

She brought me upstairs and I followed her.

She got me on her bed saying "it's okay...just calm down..."

I said "why do I want to hurt Veronica?"

I cried and she held me.

I held her saying "I can't hurt her...but I want too...so bad..."

She held me and said "it's okay..."

She then said "let's wait a bit until nightfall okay?"

I nodded and we waited. It was a bit dark and Betty held me hand as we left.

I was walking with her as she held my arm.

"You ready? Your about to change your whole life..." she told me.

I nodded and she said "come on..."

As I followed her I saw one of the kids from school. Betty walked over and told them something and they nodded and obeyed her.

"How did you do that?" I asked.

She said "that's another lesson for another time."

She said "just watch me okay?"

I nodded and she bit the kid.

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