Chapter 17

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Repeat: Do not romanticise: do not think those looks mean anything. Do not replay moments in your head. You're seeing them through rose-tinted glasses.

The biggest problem with being in denial that you're pining was that they creep up when you're not looking.

It's when you're going through your day, unassuming. While pushing a cart at the supermarket. Or while you're typing up a storm for your work.

Or while you're in line, waiting for coffee. Just any day, really.

A grin pulls up your face before you know it.

And it's messy.

And, well, honestly it's confusing as fuck.

Lisa tapped her folder mindlessly on her arm. Her eyes fixed on random scones on the coffee counter, just waiting for her turn on the cashier. Her lips pursed as she absently sucked on the insides of her cheeks.

It's been only a few weeks, really, since she last saw Jennie. Rosé has already forgiven her for being stubborn about presenting to the client alone; Ryujin has been busy with the kick start of the plans; Lisa threw herself into getting to know the other stakeholders within KT, along with the managers they're going to either win over or come in conflict with. In the Digital Transformation business it's always been about being able to influence people to get on board the plans and to make sure they're cooperative with the transition; and while some just easily let themselves get trained, some could get absolutely bull headed about using new systems and would always have something to complain about as if their company did not pay for the whole thing to make their lives easier.

Nothing Lisa and Rosé don't get to charm anyway, but still.

" in an additional espresso shot, please."

Lisa automatically winced at the woman's voice at the counter. They just never stop taunting her, what felt like echoes of contemning affection. While Lisa has her work to thank for taming down her turmoil, it's the lingering thoughts that catch her: Jennie's brooding cat-like eyes when she doesn't get her way. Jennie's tongue teasingly licking the edge of her lips. Jennie and the way she thrust herself towards Lisa, body begging for more pleasure, for more heat, for more intensity.

Sometimes, they come in soft waves, and they're the ones she avoided the most. They catch her while she's staring outside her window, wondering what the woman was doing then. Or when she's standing in line for coffee and she would feel the absence of a warmth she has yet to experience, of fingers carefully filling the gaps of hers as they interlock, like a soft tether to emotions that only as simple as hand-holding could offer.

Lisa closed her eyes harder and shook the looming ache in her chest. Because fuck her brain for practically hearing, seeing and feeling Jennie just everywhere, right?

"Long day again?" The deep voice of the barista did little to hide his flirting.

Lisa's chest tightened in disappointment. Even in her head, she had to compete with other people for Jennie's attention.

Well. At least she couldn't fault her brain for being pragmatic.

"Yeah, another one of those days." Jennie's voice in her ears echoed.

She sighed. Even the woman's slightly accented Korean was so spot on in her head today.

Lisa pinched the bridge of her nose harder. There's a looming headache that's threatening to ruin her day and she's not quite in the mood for another Advil with her coffee. If only the counter was just moving fast enough to get to her coffee instead.

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