Chapter 63: Career Day

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Early March, 2024

By the week, Maya got more excited and restless. Because it was finally happening. The Russia trip was happening this month. On the 23rd, to be exact. First, though, it was time for the day Katya had secretly looked forward to since Maya asked her to do it. Career Day.

Yes, it was a bit stupid to look forward to something like that. But she was so happy to do something so typical mom-like with her daughter. Besides, she sensed that Maya was proud of who her mom was and couldn't wait to show her classmates. So it was really cute, too.

Natasha sucked air through her teeth when she stepped into the bedroom, looking Katya up and down. ''Damn, you look sexy.'' Shamelessly, her eyes drunk in her figure, trailing up and down her pantsuit-clad body. Katya rarely wore heels, but under her mid-grey pants sat some shiny black stilettos.

Katya chuckled, fixing her hair in front of the mirror. ''Trying to look professional, but according to your reaction, I did not succeed.'' She figured that the parents had enough opinions of her, so to prove them wrong, she'd show up in her best suit and not her worn leather jacket.

''No, you look professional.'' Natasha pressed her front against her back, wrapping her arms around her waist as she smirked. ''But in a sexy way.''

Katya squinted at her in the mirror. ''Like the smart boss women are jealous of, and men want to fuck?'' The corner of her mouth pulled up in a sly smile.

''Definitely.'' Natasha hummed, sneakily sliding her hands down her stomach until her fingertips dipped under her waistband. Katya chuckled but caught them before they could get too low, kissing the back of them.

''Then I did my job well.'' She let Natasha's hands go and turned to the bed to gather her phone, wallet, and everything else she needed for this ten-minute presentation on her job. Somehow, she was nervous to disappoint Maya, though she knew she never could.

''You're gonna do great,'' Natasha encouraged her, grabbing her face with her hands to press a kiss to her lips. ''Show 'em what an incredible mom Maya has.''

A wide smile grew on Katya's lips, and she leaned forward to kiss her again. "Thank you, baby."

Natasha followed her all the way into the garage, tipping after her quietly. Her wife in that stunning, monstrous orange car did things to her stomach, especially when she reached for the pedals with her stilettos, but this was not a time to lust over her. Her support, that's what she needed right now. 

"Be careful."


With a promise to call her later, Katya took off, careful on the gravel road before speeding up as soon as the tires touched the smooth asphalt. She was very extra to show up in her supercar, and she knew she'd get more judgement for it. But she didn't care. 

Besides, Natasha needed the Audi later to drive to the bank in the city center. Luckily, they had two cars. And as soon as Maya turned fifteen, there would be three. She loved cabriolets, so a cabriolet she shall get. 

At the school, she was greeted by a teacher responsible for collecting the arriving parents. All the kids were still eating lunch in the cafeteria, and they'd find their parents waiting in their classroom when they got back.

Katya took a deep breath before stepping into the room. The parents were spread out, clutching their disposable paper cups with coffee, tea, or lemonade, chatting with each other.

Eyes shot towards her, sticking to her body as she strutted towards the drink table confidently, her handbag hanging off her shoulder. She hated those things, but it went with her outfit.

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