[ch:2] 32

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You are everything Eunji ever wanted to be. Of course Rin wants to be with you. Who wouldn't?!

Eunji gets a lotta likes shitting on you on fwitter. This one place she could win against you. Desperate for validation, Eunji quickly pulled out her phone to check her recent fweet about you. It was doing pretty well. A lot of people hating your fashion, slut-shaming and calling you fake,etc.  Then a few unpopular fweets caught her eyes.

"The incel and pick me vibes are strong on this one 🤡"
"Y'all literally hating on a teen for having sex. Wtf. "
"She is cringe ✨ but y'all are too much. "
"Holy shit I am so gay for her 💦"
"I wish that was my dick on her face 🍆 🍆 😏 "

Eunji threw her phone against the concrete wall. Shattering the screen completely. Her enraged emerald eyes landed next on the cake box.

She smirked.

Eunji's throat felt like they were on fire as she screamt on top of her lungs. She furiously stepped on the box of cake repeatedly. The box caved in and the chocolate bursted out onto the road. Eunji's screams soon turned into maniac laughter. She picked up the remaining carcass of the cake and threw it against the wall. It burst forth covering the walls with it's remains. Bits and pieces of cream bounced off the walls onto Eunji's face as she continued laughing.

"You are fucking nothing F/n Williams. I will destroy you and win back Rin, Yato and even Mark Anderson. Just like every bimbo bitch. You are destined to lose. Why? Cuz you are the bad villian and I am the special protagonist. "
Eunji eyes glazed over as she started laughing again.

Somewhere, hidden in plain sight
"This will be a yummy scoop. "
"No Rosiana. We need to aim bigger " Her long black acrylics grazed Rosiana's cheeks.


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A/n: [Ignore the ears and horns please. Even though they are gorgeous]

"And I have just found my perfect target." Rosiana shyed away as the other woman licked her lips.
"Rosalita. Do you have the picture from earlier? "
Another women jumped down from a very expensive looking black suv car.

 Do you have the picture from earlier? " Another women jumped down from a very expensive looking black suv car

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"Yes, Mistress. " Rosalita got on her knees and present the phone to her mistress. Mistress took the phone from her hands. She pulled Rosalita's mask down and kissed her on the lips, then got in the car. As Rosalita relished the feeling of her Mistress's lips, Rosiana forced a kiss on her.

Rosalita furious, tried to stab Rosiana. She swiftly moved out of the way, avoiding the stab. Mistress sighed as they continued fighting.
"Ladies no fighting amongst ourselves. "

"Rosalita started it! "
"Rosiana stole my reward! "
"Now Now~ Rosiana you can't go harming your ally. That's not what we stand for in this sisterhood. "
Rosiana looked down feeling guilty.
"Rosalita you need learn to protect your treasures properly. Don't you pride yourself as a symbol of strength? "

"You both have thoroughly disappointed me with you grandiose display of idiocracy. Come meet me in my office at 11 am sharp. " Another voiced from the suv sternly commanded. The girls swiftly got in the car, teary-eyed.

"I heavily apologize for my girls' crude behaviour. They really love you."
"Of course. I understand. Besides isn't it your duty to train them. If they aren't behaving accordingly I would say that's mostly on you. "

Lily sat journaling in her 90s pink aesthetic notepad. Which got boring really really fast so she started doodling. Her bright pink phone case vibrated with a text. She unassumingly opened the text. It was a picture.

It was you in the picture. Everything around you is unbelievablely censored so Lily assumed you must be moaning out of happiness. But as Lily focused more she realized you are laughing out of happiness in a commoners cafe. She almost stabbed herself with her bright pink, cute aesthetic nails in shock.

A/N: Texts are written like "this"
Thoughts while texting are written like (this)


"Ara~ would you look at that I miss clicked. Teehee."

"Wtf Xiang"

"My~ what a dirty mouth you got there Someya. Teehee. Would you like the uncensored picture?"

(Typing that felt wrong )

Yes~ . Of course I can do that. But it will cost you a favour."

"Fuck off I am NOT doing any more of your shit. "

"Oops would you look at that I missclicked again!"
Pic send:
You are walking through a lower middle class neighbourhood with a smaller censored figure beside you.

Lily didn't reply. Another text came in.

"Well then I guess this is where our conversation must end today. Always a pleasure checking up on old friends. "

"Fuck you bitchface I am not your friend. I never was. "

Unknown went offline.

"Fuck no come back!

Unknown is online.

"Fine you fucking cumshot. I owe ONE fucking favour for BOTH pictures uncensored. That's it."

Of course anything for you friend".

Pictures sent

It was you with Sam, Eunji and Rin. The second picture was you with Rin walking alone somewhere. You are staring worryingly at the camera. The third one was a blurry picture of you holding Rin's hands and presumably running.

If the fact that you are hanging out with poor nerds got out. Not only can Lily get you kicked off the cheer squad. You will also lose your popularity status.
Lily smiked, her brown eyes glinted dangerously under her aesthetic led strip lights.

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