3 | Unexpected New World

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Nomu suddenly behind Aizawa, who was currently injured. It raised its hand, about to attack him. But the next things didn't expect by everyone who was witnessed at all.

A little girl just jumped and managed to kick the arm successfully! She managed to break the arm apart and sent it away. Shigaraki was in great shock that he didn't expect to see this. All he wanted is to destroy the Symbol of Peace, the Number One Hero, All Might.

The girl hadn't stopped yet. She gave another kick on Nomu's neck in the middle of the air, managed to get Nomu backed away in few meters.

Everyone was in great shock just by what did she just do. Aizawa was about to get her behind his back but she started growling. Her pointy fangs could be seen.

Aizawa was still confused about this. The girl suddenly started growing her size, made everyone stunned by it. She was in her teenage size but with the short white horn on the right of her head with a little crack and the red and green vein like pattern covered her skin, circling around her arms, legs and chest. Her nails were long and sharp.

Someone had appeared besides Shigaraki when Nezuko was still growing. Kurogiri came to report about Thirteen's status and one of the students escaped. This made Shigaraki stressed out as he scratched his neck faster and mumbled about everything, especially game over and retreat.

Aizawa gave them a judging face while Nezuko was completely in her awakened form, still growling at Nomu. Nomu had regrow the arm back and currently stood besides Shigaraki. Shigaraki couldn't stand it at all.

"Ah, before that, let's just slightly ruin the precious baby of the Symbol of Peace," Shigaraki charged forwards to Tsuyu, who was floating in the water with Midoriya and Mineta.

Aizawa saw this coming but didn't expect the girl was acted faster than him. The girl jumped towards to Shigaraki who almost had his hand on Tsuyu's face and kicked him. The kick managed to send him flying and fell into water. Nomu was shocked that everything was happened just now was in the blink of eyes. Kurogiri went to save Shigaraki.

The girl noticed Midoriya and Mineta with Tsuyu so she decided to help them. Aizawa went behind her back to protect the kids from the enemy.

Nomu was about to charge forwards when someone suddenly bursted into the door.

"Fear not, I'm here!" All Might had arrived! All the students felt relieved.

The villians were about to attack but easily got defeated by All Might just in the blink of eyes. He saw Aizawa had trouble with Nomu so he decided to save all of them from the villians. Nezuko didn't realized at all. It was so fast!

"Mr. Aizawa, get all the students to the entrance. I'm counting on you. Go!" All Might demanded.

Aizawa nodded at him and brought the students to the entrance, but the little girl denied it. She stood next to All Might as she knew he wanted to fight them. The adults didn't expect this at all.

"Young Girl, I may not know who you are but it'll be fine! Go follow Mr. Aizawa," All Might gave her a peace sign over his head. She still shook her head.

They didn't saw Nomu was charged forwards. All Might saw it coming and defended himself with the girl with his Carolina Smash. He actually stunned by it, it didn't leave any scratches on Nomu!

Nezuko noticed this and jumped over All Might. She dug her nails into her palm deeply, which made the blood leaked from her palm and immediately scratched the head using her claws. It worked, All Might couldn't believe this. Nomu backed away as the eyes were destroyed.

As soon as she perfectly landed, she casted her 'quirk', "Blood Demon Art; Exploding Blood!"

The pink fire was immediately spread all over Nomu. Shigaraki, who just saved by Kurogiri, couldn't believe what he just witnessed. This girl was the only one who could keep damaging Nomu but All Might's Calorina Smash didn't do anything to Nomu. This girl was pain in the ass for the villians.

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