False Prophets and Teachers

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False Prophets and Teachers

Captain Shelby held back telling her esteemed passengers this little bit of information and finally she could no longer hold back and she called her passengers into the chapel on board the USS Excalibur and she said " I held back telling you this because I couldn't believe it myself."

Lord Patrick William Howard looks at Captain Shelby and asks "What is this news that you didn't want us to hear?"

Captain Shelby tells Lord Patrick William, Lord William Devereux, Lord John Carey, Lord Maxilliam Habsburg, Lord Charles Valois, Lord Robert Bourbon, Lord Ralph Stafford, Lord Roger Seymour,

Lord William Craven, Lord Edmund Beaufort, Lord Edward Stanhope, Lord John Grey, and Lord Thomas Beauchamp, and Lord Jeremiah Collins sat down in the chapel and Captain Shelby told them this "Near Richmond, Indiana, several jets dropped bombs. A group of people took shelter in the East Fork Presbyterian Church. As the bombs dropped, the group and the church was save when the church was transported to Terralysium. The group started the New Eden colony and worshiped the Red Angel who was in actuality a time traveler, Dr. Gabrielle Burnham."

Lord Patrick Willlam Howard although he is not a Christian and he follows the ancient religion of Paganism has studies the world religions at Cambridge University and Lord William Devereux speaks up " What only Christians of different denominations were saved by this so called "Red Angel" but this creature didn't believe that any of our Buddhist, Hindu, Islam, Jewish or Pagan brothers and sisters weren't worthing saving?"

"This "Red-Angel" mustn't realize that Christianity is divided by petty differences." Lord Patrick William Howard.

"I remember a quote from Queen Elizabeth I of England and that is only One Jesus Christ, One Faith

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"I remember a quote from Queen Elizabeth I of England and that is only One Jesus Christ, One Faith. All Else is a dispute over trifles " Lord Patrick William states.

"Look at Christianity. Captain. In the beginning there was only Christian church built in 33 AD but throughout the years it divided into three branches ; Orthodox, Roman Catholicism, and Protestants." Lord Patrick William explains.

"With the reformation came different branches and they all have petty doctrines such as music, sacraments, baptism, free will, and such ." Lord Walter explains.

"Look at the false prophets and teachers that rose throughout the ages with Jim Jones, Rev. Sun Moon,

Mary Baker Eddy, Helen G. White, Charles Taze Russell, David Korsem, Muhammad, Joseph Smith, and his successor, Bingham Young." Lord Charles Valois explains.

"Look at Islam and how divided it over who has the right to succeed Muhammad " Lord Maximilian explains.

"Look at Judaism, It is just as divided into four branches - Hindi sic, Orthodox, Conservative, and Liberal." Lord William Craven explains.

"I know what the Bible in St. Matthew 7:15 states

"Watch out for false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are voracious wolves. You will recognize them by their fruit. Grapes are not gathered from thorns or figs from thistles, are they? In the same way, every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree is not able to bear bad fruit, nor a bad tree to bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. So then, you will recognize them by their fruit. St Matthew 7:15-20 (NET) Lord Patrick William Howard states.

Lord Patrick William Howard with his entourage tells Captain Shelby " We are of different religions but we respect each other and I honor each of their different spirituality."

"People will believe anyone and anything because they are ignorant and they want to be led astray." Lord Patrick William states.

"I don't think that Jesus Christ would approve that his church was divided by petty differences, and I don't think that Allah would be happy to know how Islam has been divided, and I don't think Jehovah would be happy if he knew how Judaism was divided." Lord Patrick William states.

"I read the Book of Daniel and The Prophet Daniel told King Ahasuerus and he was the gold but his kingdom would be destroyed," Lord Patrick William states.

"I read the history of Christianity and I am glad that I am not the one of them and they stole our Pagan Sabbats and Christianize them under The Roman Emperor Constantine who was a Pagan first then he converted to Christianity and he was the one to turned Pagan Rome in to Papal Rome." Lord Patrick William Howard explains.

"Look at their bloody history - All The Crusades were against Roman Catholic Christianity and Isalm and they were both after to convert the world to their religion." Lord Patrick William Howard explains, "bit in the end four of the greatest empires fell after World War I and they were the Russian empire in 1917, and then the Ottoman, Austro-Hungarian, and German empires in 1918. They collapsed in defeat and revolution."

"After World War II the following empires fell and they were Japan, Italy, Germany and all because they started a war." Lord Patrick William states.

Captain Shelby looks and walks away and with that all the men return to their wives. 

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