Mission Failed Successfully [chapter 17]

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Peter ducked behind the huge bin of a trash can. It was on the back side of the large office building he was about to invade. Taking off his mask, he slipped the backpack he was wearing off.

Opening the zipper, he worked with steady hands in taking his clothes out. Peter slipped on his street clothes, adjusting the hood part of his hoodie so it covered the neck of his costume. He adjusted his socks so hey covered the ankles of his costume, and he shoved his mask in his pocket as well. His hands worked steadily in covering his red and blue and black and white suit with his clothes; as well as whatever other gimmicks he had.

"You ready?" she asked, clicking through the security cameras and locating which spots had more guards.

The camera on Peter's glasses bobbed up and down, letting her know he had nodded his head. Peter had been made aware of the glasses she had put a camera in, but not the mask.

Originally, they had planned on having Peter go in with his suit on. But that had been ruled out when they stopped to think of the repercussions. Walking into a building owned by the very guy who wanted to chop his head off? Not exactly the brightest idea ever.

So they made the decision to have him web his way over to the lavish work place on the other side of the city. Then he'd slip on some regular clothes and go in to the building casually. He'd talk to the receptionist who'd tell him where the elevators where and which floor to go on. They'd managed to score a spot for an interview; Peter was going to pretend to be interested in interning there.

Aidan had given them the information— or, more so, they forced it out of him. At the end of a school day, Peter had cornered him and he held him in place. She was right behind Peter, telling him why he would have to help them and the consequences if he didn't.

The school hadn't been able to figure out who pulled the fire alarm since y/n had deleted the clip after she saved it to her phone. Instead, she was going to hold the fact she had it over his head until she was done using him.

Consider her a bad person, but she had a plausible reason for doing what she did. If she hadn't, then they wouldn't have nearly as much information as they did now.

Like the fact the organization was more so a business than it was a gang. They took in strangers and offered them jobs, but they kept the violence and drug related deals out of their knowledge until they've proven to be trustworthy. Or the layout of the whole place. It was massive, no doubt about it. Aidan was helpful when he, although unwillingly, gave them a map of the corporation.

"I got this," Peter mumbled to himself before he hid the bag he brought.

The hero in disguise walked around the building and down a block or two. He turned around and walked straight back to the building with confidence. Peter was making sure he looked like he had actually walked there for an interview and not just straight up hid behind the office place like a creep. Yeah, it would not benefit his cause if someone reported him for doing that. He'd look like a weirdo.

Peter pushed the spinning doors, walking around until he made it to the interior. He forced a convincing smile onto his face as he walked up to the front desk with barely enough confidence. But he passed by.

"Hi, umm, I'm Peter," he charmed his way through the interaction. The receptionist fell right into his trap. "Peter Parker. I was wondering if you could possibly send me off to Mr. Pin's office. I'm supposed to go there to be interviewed." Peter already knew where the office was.

The receptionist gave, what they could only assume was, a flirtatious grin, "Of course, Mr. Parker."

Peter wanted to gag. "Thank you," he gave an even wider smile.

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