Chapter 12

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Sorry for the wait. School and stuff. Whatever. Enjoy!

"Shhh, I need you to come with me"

He removed his hand and exited her tent, pulling her along with him. She followed. As soon as they were outside he led her to the deadheads. Artemis wasn't scared on the contrary, she was quite infuriated and a little miffed. He stopped her, turning so they were facing each other. She stepped back and crossed her arms. "Bloody hell Newt! What the shuck is the matter with you!?"

He chuckled, "'Bloody hell'? That's my line, Missie." She fought back a smile. "Yeah, well...what do you want, Newt?"

His smile faded. "I haven't spoken to you in a while ...and I just...."

"If you want to talk to me, Newt. You can do it during the day." Artemis turned to leave, but Newt caught her arm. "Artemis, why are you mad at me?"

She chuckled darkly, "Why am I mad at you? Why am I mad at you, Newt? Oh I don't know, suppose you know a person who seems to make you smile even when you really don't want to. A person who is annoying in a nice kind of way and always seems to be there when you need them, a person with a really cute smile. Suppose something happens to this person, and it has your name all over it and the person ceases to acknowledge your existence, treatment that you know deep down inside, you truly do deserve, because it's all your fault. That would be fine, right, because you deserve to be miserable and lonely, but then the person has the nerve to drag you out to the deadheads in the dead of the night claiming he misses speaking to you as if it's your shuck fault that he's been ignoring you for weeks! I suppose you wouldn't have the right to be mad, now, would you?" She was fuming.

Newt looked thoroughly taken aback. "Artemis...I-"

"You what, Newt? Didn't realize? Surely if you cared as much as you let me believe you did you would've noticed."

Newt stuttered on, "I do I just wanted-"

"Time to yourself? To get away from me?"

"No, I was-"

"You were what, Newt? What? I just thought- hoped that... You know what, never mind. I don't want to hear about how concerned you might be about the name, and how much of a danger I am and be reminded of the stares I get from every single Glader I pass. To top that off, you have been-"

She didn't finish. Newt grabbed her and pushed her against the nearest tree, he leaned in so they were face to face, their noses touching. "I was avoiding you so I could ignore my feelings. I thought maybe if I stayed away they'd... Go away. But, hell, Artemis. Now I just don't bloody care anymore" her breathing quickened "Newt..." He slammed his lips against hers with a feral force. The moment their lips touched, it was as if a the strange magnetic force strengthened tenfold, pulling their bodies flush against each other. Artemis's hands went- completely of their own accord- to Newts head, her fingers lacing in his silky blond locks. His arms wrapped around her waist, drawing her close. They both felt as if they couldn't get enough of each other, couldn't get close enough. Newt's tongue lightly traced Artemis's bottom lip. She gasped, her lips parting. Newt reluctantly broke away, so they could breathe. "You still mad at me?" She shook her head, "I was never mad at you, Newt. I was mad at me." He kissed her jaw. "Why?"

"I know it's not directly, but Newt, that attack, the injuries, your back, it all has to do with me. I was angry that I wanted you to talk to me. Angry that I couldn't stand the miserytellingtelling myself I deserved." His lips brushed her collar bone. "You shouldn't do that to yourself, Artemis. You don't know about any of this." Suddenly Artemis grabbed a two fistfulls of Newts shirt at the from and pushed him back. "Oh my gods Newt." He frowned, "What is it, love?" She trailed her fingers over his now crinkled shirt and rested her arms on his shoulders. "What just...I... What did we a just do?" Newt shrugged. "Missie, I have no idea....bloody hell." He touched his forehead to hers. "I just know that I feel

Something for you... Something I can't explain... I just want to be close to you all the bloody time. When I kissed you I...I wasn't thinking about it. It just came to me."

"Just came to you?" She asked.

"Shuck, Artemis, how many people do you think I've had practice kissing lately?" He gave a sarcastic roll of his eyes.

"Oh, I don't know... I kind of thought you and Minho had-"

"If you are clever, you will not finish that sentence."

She shut her mouth quickly and nodded seriously, "noted" that made him laugh. An actual laugh. She hadn't heard it in a while.

He leaned in and pecked her lips. "Can we agree to keep this-"

"Under the wraps? Done. I do not need mor drama." She said.

They connected their lips again- "Artemis! Missie! Artemis!"

Their eyes widened. They jumped apart just as Chuck and Thomas came into view.

"There you are!" Chuck exclaimed, "Where'd you go? I woke up and noticed you weren't there, so I woke Thomas To go looking for you!" Artemis's heart melted a bit. "Thanks Chuck. I'm fine. I just had a bad dream and wanted to take a walk, I accidentally trod on Newt and he joined me."

Chuck nodded, but Thomas looked uncertain. "How'd you find me?" She asked. Chuck shrugged Thomas had a hunch."

She nodded. "Thanks for walking with me Newt." He nodded. "Anytime. Just make sure to ask next time and not try to bloody kill me." She smiled before walking away with Chuck and Thomas.
Hope you liked it! I'll never know unless you comment and vote!
For my partner in crime/BFF @Lonesome_Fire. You guys should really check her out.

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