Chapter 6

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It was now bright morning. Last Night was such an intense moment for the people involved, especially for Merkel who has never experienced such hardship. They thought that the Witch Cult was gonna win over them due to there massive numbers. But luckily for them, that wasn't the case as they were saved by Elsa and the new guy named Halibal arrived in a convenient timing.

And luckily enough, Arlam Village wasn't affected by this. Like, at all. Not a single scratch or bloodshed was done in there. And the civilians there didn't even know about the attacks last night. As the village was up, people went on with there carefree lives not knowing of the chaos that happened. The children playing, the adults doing there daily work and so on.

When Merkel was sleeping after the fight, Elsa and Halibal were on guard duty to make sure that there new boss was safe from any harm. Merkel told Elsa to focus slightly on her sister Meili who was also asleep in a separate room because Halibal was more than enough to protect her so Elsa did. The Alpha Dog Ma Beast in it's 'innocent' puppy form and it's lower kins were surrounding the Mansion outside, making sure not a single enemy enters the Mansion.

As the sunlight reached through a window of a certain room, Angela Merkel who was in her pajamas finally woke up.

"Your finally awake now, I suppose." said Beatrice who was sitting in an arm chair while holding one of Merkel's valuable book

"Ahh hey there Beatrice, good mornin." Merkel said in a tired tone while smiling

Merkel then starts doing some stretches while laying down. Beatrice just looks at her bizzare contractor with a blank yet caring face.

"Hmph! You know what you did there was very stupid, in fact. Such a stubborn brat you are my hopeless contractor, I suppose." Beatrice pouts as she looks at the still smiling Merkel

"Hehehe, sorry about that. I got really carried away last night."  Merkel smiled awkwardly

"Hmph! So anyways, how's your wounds?" 

Merkel looked at Beatrice confused.

"Uhh, they're fine? You do know that they were fully healed by you right?" 

Beatrice got a bit surprised at this realizing just how dumb that question of hers was.

"Oh and speaking of healing, I didn't know that Beatrice can actually heal. I thought she couldn't do it considering what her version was like in the anime and web novel. This is probably another difference that I need to keep an eye on." Merkel thought as she later thought of something

"But wait, maybe Beatrice in the anime can also use healing magic and I simply missed or forgot about that detail back at home, but eh, whatever." 

"Hmph! Whatever. Say, what is your next move? Now that you have that Rem brat with you, are you going to be starting that next step of yours, I suppose?" Beatrice asked

Merkel was thinking about this and decided that they should take a brake from all this nutty plans of hers after what happened last night. Especially with Rem finally being in her disposal and having Rem with her made some changes to her already established plans.

"For now, nothing. Maybe we should take a break from this crazy plan of mine for now? After all, last night really took a huge tole on me, you and the others." Merkel said with an awkward smile

"And speaking of Rem. I didn't expect that her Stockholm Syndrome would be that big here unlike in the original. Thank God I didn't have to go through the same lengths as Subaru did to gain her friendship." Merkel thought

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