Can't Make It All Make Sense

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Crinae lights up the passageway for us as we head left.

"I'm really glad you learned to do that today," I say. "Otherwise, we'd be feeling our way around."

Crinae laughs. "I'm glad too."

People passing us say hello. Some hold flickering candles. Others use their skills to light the way. It's wonderful that Aeternians use their skills here without fear of Motos or Regs.

Rooms branch off here and there but we don't stop to open doors and look inside. I want to see how extensive this network is and I'm not interested in meeting new friends right now. These caves are ancient, worn into the rock over centuries by water rushing through limestone. The underground rivers have since dried up, exacerbated by the war and the planet heating up, and make for wide and numerous tunnels.

"Are we walking in circles?" asks Crinae after following my lead for several turns about the corridors.

"I don't think so. Why?"

"I've seen the same symbol three times."

"Which one?"

Crinae shines her light on the wall and I see three dots with a line through it.

"Oops. Where to next?"

"I think we should go right. Then that'll take us to the tunnel with two dots and a line through it."

"Right, right."

I hope Crinae smiles. I'm busy checking everything out. You'd think that a cave is a cave no matter where it is – a hole in rock. But there are different types of caves. Our family home in 33 was blasted out of the side of a mountain and was always hot and always had some light creeping into it from the outside. Nakimu, being natural and deep, deep underground, is beyond dark and always cool. Nevertheless, a slight warm breeze is ruffling my hair right now. We must be near an entrance to the outside. The next corner we round has a soft light at the end and it takes us right to where we were told not to venture – outdoors.

It's like we sense the natural light and are drawn to it. A white glow grows brighter with each step. It makes us walk faster. We want to run to it. To immerse ourselves in it. We move forward. Into the light and wind.

Now we're standing on a rocky ledge overlooking a valley. There's no door here. It's an open portal. Two steps and we'll be out of the dark cave. The sun feels hot on my skin and it's a nice change from the coolness of the caves. I want to curl up on a ledge for a while. (Even though Mom warned us to never to do that. We could get very sick from sunburns.) I hear the wind rushing around the boulders, inviting me outside. We walk into the open air. Take a deep breath in (singeing my nostrils slightly with dust) and exhale.

I didn't realize how much I missed being outside in the sunshine until this moment. I wouldn't trade this feeling for all the chocolate in the world. The view too, is also amazing. When we arrived at Nakimu, it was dark. Now in the full daylight we see the full valley below. A stretch of orange desert surrounded by mountaintops that touch the sky for as far as the eye can see and...

"Oy!" someone shouts. "What are you doing there? Get back inside or I'll tell your parents!"

I blink into the sun. I can't see anyone in the blare of light.

"Did you hear me kiddies? I said get INSIDE!"

Crinae takes a couple of steps backwards. I put my hand up to shield my eyes and see who's yelling at us. It's a tall man. A very tall man.

It's my turn to take a couple of steps back. A couple of quick steps back to avoid the man marching towards us.

"Do you know what happens to little kiddies when they're caught outside?" he asks us. His bald head glinting in the sun while he towers over us.

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