Twenty Five

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Everyone reacts to death differently. But how are you supposed to act in the moment? What do you do when the one thing you can depend on leaves?

Ana's screams fill the quiet space as the rain starts to pick up. No one knows who exactly starts it but each side charges at each other; Raphael feels as though his insides have been ripped out and feasted upon.

Raphael stares at the beautiful girl bleeding out in her friends arms, he thinks of everything they could have had together, everything he would have done for her. The anger suddenly becomes too much and his pupils dilate, seething rage floods through his veins.

His eyes land on the smirking General Iro and with no hesitation he leaps towards him. Raphael's large clawed hand grasps General Iro's head; the generals eyes widens with fear and he shrieks trying desperately to flee from the beasts claws.

Raphael roars with sorrow and with his bare hands; he crushes the generals skull with a sickening crunch as blue blood flies everywhere.

He roars into the rain wishing it would wash away the pain that's coursing through him. He rampages, killing everything in his path. Pain tends to blind people, they'll do anything to make it stop.

Draconian slowly approaches Ana, he too can't deny the sorrow he feels for his claimed and his brother who have both lost a worthy being. Ana looks so broken in this moment; clinging onto a corpse.

Draconian can feel her pain through their half completed bond. He slowly approaches from behind her, wrapping his arms around her and breathing her in has relief and peace finally soothe him.

Hoping- begging, he can bring her some peace, he squeezes her tightly. She leans back against him sobbing for her god to bring Sophie back. Her council stands back, either fighting or crying; all unsure of what to do.

Raphael approaches Sophie's body with the blue sticky liquid dripping off of him. He falls to his knees and pulls the small girls body into his warm embrace.

"What are you doing?" Ana starts to panic as Raphael stands and starts walking away with her friends corpse in his arms.

"Stop it!" She creams as draconian holds her back. "Tell him to stop! Bring her back!"

"Shh." Draconian tries to hush her, "you have lost a friend and a family member, but he has lost part of his soul. I know you don't understand and I won't force you to. But give him this, little female. He will never find another to fill the void her loss has created. That is how powerful the claim is- he will be broken and lost without her."

"The pain must be unimaginable." Veil turned away to wipe a stray tear from his cheek. It was every creatures worst fear; to lose their other half.

"I don't care just bring her back! Please!" Ana sobbed, her grief far too great to see reason or anyone else's side. "I'll never be able to fill the void either, so bring her back!"

"Come little female." He stood with Ana in his arms, "tell me where to bring her." He instructed her council. And one by one they walked numbly to the palace. Ana watching Raphael walk away with her best friend, over Draconian's shoulder. Her white hair flowing down to the blood stained ground.

A pale hand swaying bonelessly as they disappeared into the storm.


  Ana was heartbroken. She never imagined this scenario, not once did it ever cross her mind. For the past three days she had stayed in the shadows of the palace walls, mourning a loss that has undoubtedly shaken the kingdom.

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