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"Executing phase shift..."

Opening your eyes you weren't on your bed anymore. You were laying in the ground. The world around you were nothing but a grayish white, with dashes of lines and colours almost looking like building blocks for code.


Someone spoke, you got up from the floor, feeling stupid.

You looked at the person. They had black hair, black clothes and a strange glowing tattoo on her left arm. It took you a solid minute to realise they were floating above the ground. Huge white wings spread across their back.

Angel? This is a weird dream.

"Angel?" You spoke, not even trying to hide the fact you know her name.

"Yes, I can't talk long... but you are in danger. You have no reason to believe me I know but just listen and you'll be fine." Her voice seemed calm, though the expression on her face stated otherwise.

"I- I dont- this is a dream right?" You were confused.

"In a sort, yes. But you aren't imagining me (y/n). I NEED your help." A vault key showed up, slowly peicing itself together in Angels hand. She outstretched her hand, offering it to you.

"Why me? Why me out of all people?" As much as your body wanted to touch the vault key, you knew there would be consequences.


She dazed out for a second, dropping her hand yet the vault key floated.

"I have to go... take it." She pushed it towards you. It touched your chest.


"TAKE IT." she screamed at you, you grabbed it for dear life as the white void turned to black.

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