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Everyone was quiet as I arrived. Was I supposed to bow? Be the first to talk?

Luckily, the king was. "Arden."

"You're highnesses." I greet back.

Will's father tilts his head, thinking. "What happened to you?" He asked me. "What made you so bad, so rotten?" I didn't answer him. For two reasons. One, I didn't know what to say. Two, I was angry, so if I did say something it wouldn't be nice. "Was it your mother's death? Did that blacken your heart? Did that...."

"Adam." The queen stops him. Eyes, wide and shocked he would say that. Mention her.

I understand. He's angry, embarrassed. He wants me to feel the anger I caused him and a lot others.

He gives her an irritated look. Not a husband mad his wife interrupted him, a king mad at his queen was trying to silence him in front of his subjects. He turns and looks at me, waiting for my answer.

"Yes," I answer. "I guess that could be considered the root of my problems."

"So smart," he laughed. "So pretty. Waisted. History repeating itself once again. I guess you could say you were more like your mother than we thought. Both traitors."

"Yes," I grit out. "Apple meet fucking tree."

"So vulgar too." He added before looking at his son. "Was she like this when she knew you?" He asks.

   I look to my left, looking at him for the second time since entering the room.

"Yes." He answered, face stone cold. No emotion showing.

"I don't think that really matters right now." I should keep my mouth shut, but I couldn't. Maybe I didn't have to take down Will with his father. What he did to me? Those were his father's orders. He was doing the same thing I was.

"Very opinionated too." A chill runs along my spin. It makes me nervous how amusing the king finds this. It makes me mad.

"That she is." My head snaps at Will's direction. I see the slight curve of his lip. Great, so they both think it's funny.

"So how should we kill you?" The kings word's cause Will slight smirk to drop back into a thin line. I turn my head and look at the king. "Should my son do it? That would be ironic wouldn't it?" He laughs.

Will's body tenses. He wasn't able to do it before, would this time be different?

"Adam." The queen says sternly again. He waves her off.

"I was joking. It was called a joke. I'll do it of course. I did her mothers, it would only be fitting."

"Who better to end me then the one to make me who I am now." My words were cold, raw.

This earns a chuckle from Will's father. "A funny one too. What a shame you're a traitor. Andrews." He calls out. I didn't notice the familiar old man in the corner. Andrews steps towards him, handing him a pistol and a single bullet.

Everyone clears from me, Will included. The king rises, walking towards me all while putting the bullet in the chamber. "You know, this was the same gun used on her." I can't look at him. My breathing was getting harder. My knees getting weaker. "Don't move." He says, "It will ruin my aim. Then we would just have to watch you bleed out slowly, it wouldn't be fun for any of us."

I close my eyes as he approaches. I try not to flinch as he puts the gun to my head. Don't cry, I told myself.

I will die again. You can't beat death a second time.

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