Jealousy and Running Away

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After I became on the show for a few weeks my mom, Lana, and I went to San Fransisco for comic con along with the rest of the cast. I was excited because I got to see Jessie again but one problem was that I don't know if she has been hanging around Ann and Haley. I was brought out of my thoughts from Lana nudging me. "Huh, what happened? I'm sorry I zoned out."
"I said that there's gonna be a lot of fans so don't fret or get mad if they push you away or they don't know who you are. Ok?" I nodded as my mom told me this.
We arrived and just like that, Bam! Fans were all around Lana and my mom. I smiled at the sight thinking how I used to be one of the fans, a dreamer who dreamed of meeting Jen and Lana. I shook my head clearing. I suddenly realized that Lana and my mom left talking to the fans. Tears sprung into my eyes thinking, 'why would they leave/abandon me?' I then ran with tears rolling down my face like it was rain.
I ran past Lana and my mom not caring if they called after me. I had one thing on my mind, see Jessie and talk to her. I ran and ran and ran until I couldn't. I then started coughing and tried to breathe but I had an asthma attack. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. Was what I repeated in my head but no use. I felt someone's hand on my shoulder and looked to see it was my mom. She then took me into her arms and gave me my inhaler. After I took it I was crying again and my mom asked me why I was as Lana pulled me into her arms rubbing my back. I said "I'm c-crying b-because you two left me a-alone back there l-like you guys a-abandoned me and f-forgotten about me, so I was g-gonna go back to the o-orphanage and see J-Jessie."
"We thought you were behind us. Truly we did." Lana nodded in agreement so I forgave them and hugged Lana back then my mom. I then held my moms and Lana's hands as we went to comic con.
It's been a few hours since I've ran away from Lana and my mom and I was already hurt and jealous because this guy was flirting with Lana making her giggle. Then all of a sudden he kissed her and before anything else I ran away crying again. I was so angry and hurt. As I was running I ran into someone and saw it was my mom so I hugged her and cried explaining what happened about Lana and that stupid guy. Then guess who walks over to us. Lana. I told her how mad and hurt I was at her for letting that guy kiss her. She then explained how she pushed him off and ran after me when she saw me leave so I then said "Oh Lana I'm so sorry, please forgive me. I forgive you and love you."
"Myra I forgive and love you too." I walked over to Lana and kissed her, or more like made out with her.

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