Chapter 41

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Unedited 11/03/2022

Christoph had no doubt, he will not be going back to New York. At least, not to live. This is his home. He had a big plan for the coming week, but he was not going to say anything to Jesreen until he works out a few details.

The kids left for ice cream. Christoph stayed with the Henrys for a while. They spoke about the war, about Jesreen, and life in general. He told them he would stick around for good. He let them know how much he appreciates them looking out for Jesreen.

Mrs. Henry assured him that the invitation for Sunday dinner was still open and that they can call upon them for anything.

He and Mr. Henry went to watch football after they helped with most of the kitchen cleaning.

"I'm glad she won't be in that house all by herself."
"I should have been here for her from the beginning."
"It makes no sense beating up yourself, you had been through a rough spot."

"I'm going to need something to do while I'm here.'
" which field are you in?"
"I went straight in the army after school, but a was very good at mechanics while I was in. Don't have any papers to back it up."

"We have one mechanic in town, he is getting slow with age, he has been saying for the longest time now that he was going to get some help. I can talk to him and see what is going on."

They talked some more and then Christoph went home. Not long after he reached home, Kevin took Jesreen home as planned. Jesreen did not come in immediately.

Christoph was not sure he was happy with that boy always on her heels. He knew she had her head on her body, despite her present situation as a result of her trusting that boy Terry too much.

Although Kevin seems like a decent boy, he sees the way he looks at her. Christoph remembers what it was like to fall in love with someone and was adamant to have her as his own. And he blows it.

Well, he hoped someday they will have better luck than he had. He was sure they both knew what they were doing.

Christoph went up to his bed, not long after he heard the front door closed and Kevin drove off. He had a lot on his mind and could not sleep. At least he made a start at rectifying what was preventing him from getting some sleep. He was also sleeping under the same roof as his daughter, he thought with a smile on his face.

In the long run, he fell asleep easier than he ever had in the longest time. Even when he was drinking, he had trouble sleeping unlest he was stone drink.

Jesreen was not surprised when she went into the kitchen and saw her Dad with his coffee in hand.
"Good morning sleepy head."
"Good morning Dad." She was about to help herself to some tea when her father point to her cup and English teabag, which he had already put out for her, while he get the hot water.

"You are a quick learner," she teases.
"What are your plans for today?"
"I was planning on hanging around the house, do a little work," he paused as if he was thinking about something. He then turned to her and asked.

"What do you think about your old man hanging around for good?" Jesreen was surprised about his question, although, she thought about him staying so many times.

"You mean here?"
"Well, I could get somewhere in the area that...."
"No! What I'm saying is, you do not have to find anywhere, you can stay here. I am so happy to have you around. I'm so happy you decided to stay," Jesreen blabbed as she hugged him.

"Did you feel that!" She grabbed his hand and gently placed it on her belly. He felt a little movement, he was sure he will be feeling it stronger in the weeks to come.

"I used to lie for hours with my hand on your mother's belly, talking to you," he said, with that wishful look he always has on his face when he spoke about her mother.

After finishing breakfast which Christoph insisted on preparing, Jesreen left out for work. After an uneventful day at work, Jesreen stopped by the supermarket.

With it being Monday, right after lunch, they were able to talk a little as the supermarket was empty.

"It was great meeting your father, how long will he be around?"
"He may be around for a while."
"That's great, how is the little one?"

"I think it's a boy, he is warming up for a football game," Jesreen laughed with her hand on her belly.
"Are you going to find out which sex it is?
" I'm not sure as yet, maybe, maybe not."
"I just want to know he or she was healthy. Each time I go for a check, the doctor was impressed, that is enough for me."

"You are going to be a great mother."
"I learn from the best."


Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me🎵🎵🎶🎶🎶.

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