9. Only One

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I could hear the intake of breath Ms. Morello took every so often when she stared at me, that small knowing smirk plastered on her face.

I could hear the way the clock ticked away, it counting down to the last minutes before the bells rang and I was able to run as fast as possible from this room towards my safe haven.

I could hear papered shuffling outside the office,her assistant preparing to leave just like me.

I could hear all of this and yet it was silent, it was silent enough to make my hands sweat and gulp. I hated silence, and Ms. Morell knew that very well.

In fact, she knew me very well, with the limited amount of information she had obtained.

"What did you need me for?" I finally asked, my own anxiousness getting to me.

"You ditched our last meeting," she answered.

I nodded,"yes, I was called into work."

She slowly nodded, "you changed your look, why?"

I looked down at my wardrobe," I felt like it was time to change. You were right."

"What was I right about?" Her smooth tone making me more hesitant.

"About me dwelling in the past, it wasn't good," I recited her words from all our other meetings.

"What finally made you realize it? It couldn't have been my constant reminder?" Her tone was accusing, like she knew the answer before I did.

I knew I should have dropped by a long time ago, a quick hello and goodbye would have sufficed.

"It wasn't you," I said to her, my voice slightly changing," it was my own choice. I was tired of it all, my old ways helped no one, not even me. I had to stop acting like a kid."

"Why were you acting like a kid?" She questioned me.

I narrowed my eyes, the clever bitch. She knew exactly what was wrong, she knew it all. It was all explained in perfect sentences across those stacks of folders inside the black cabinet behind her. That cabinet, solely dedicated to my torture gave her enough ammo to bring me back to tears. I wouldn't let her though, because even though she had the ammo I was indestructible. I'd been attacked countless times by others like her and no one was able to get a tear out of me.

The bell rang above her head, and I smirked," looks like we can talk about this next time."

"Not so fast," she cuts my escape short," our session isn't done now sit down."

I glare at her," you can't keep me hear, I have to get to work."

On cue my phone dings, it's a text message and when I pull it out from my back pocket I see it's from Jackson. I wonder what's happened?

"You're not going anywhere," Ms. Morrell orders me," I'm sure 'work' will understand, now sit down or I'll let you know who In on your progress."

I slit my eyes at the insane bitch, she's got me there. Id sit here for hours before letting her make that dreaded call.

I grumble but set my bag down and plop back onto the chair, it was a terrible thing blue and shaped funny, there was no way someone was going to spill there feelings when the back of this thing is digging into my back.

Just to piss her off so we were equal in emotions I lifted my feet on top of her desk and pulled my hands to support the back of my head and smirked at her," alright Morrell, I'll stay. You're not getting me to answer that question though."

A triumphant little smirk danced around her lips," alright let's start somewhere else, I see you've been driving lately."

I nod my head and shrug," so what?"

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