Yea, no I'm redoing this.

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Im sorry if I do dissapoint you about this but, I'm not satisfied with the work I've shown. So I'm going to do a multiverse x male reader instead of the title it stands now, it'll involve more than one story path that'll consist of:

A hero route and a villain route. Both will be seperate books and the reader will be different, the love interests are going to be involved in extra chapters instead of being in actual chapters because of I want the actual story to focus on action and thrill itself. As well as my writing style changed than what it was before so this book will be the hero route. The prologue is going to be redone, the bio everything so look out for that.

All I can say is I'm sorry

Until then.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2022 ⏰

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