Chapter 1

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Daniela's current outfit

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Daniela's current outfit

Purple smoke swipes across the land, covering everything in it's path. First, she is able to move her fingers again. Slowly but surely she can feel and move her entire body again. Daniela rolls her shoulders and stretches her arms, it feels like it has been ages since she last moved.

Right next to her is Cora, her grandmother. The older woman takes a deep breath and looks over to her 17 year old granddaughter. "Well, looks like we have some work to do, Daniela." She smiles wickedly and Dani obediently nods.

"And how can I help?" The pirate who travelled with them to this island 28 years earlier said. Dani didn't know him that well, only from when he came to Wonderland to rip her grandmother's heart out. Luckily he failed, miserably.

"We need to find a way out of this realm and Captain, we will need your help later. Daniela and I shall look for a place to stay for now, maybe even find survivors."

And so the trio started their adventure to get to Storybrooke. Eventually they found some survivors but unfortunately they didn't trust Cora, so she had to think of something else. She managed to get rid of Lancelot and replaced him, Philip truly believed it was his friend.

The group of survivors wanted nothing to do with Cora and wouldn't live alongside her, so 'Lancelot' gained the survivors' trust by putting her in a dungeon. Of course, Cora was able to get out whenever she wanted and could keep playing as Lancelot. Daniela, however, they didn't know well enough so they allowed her to live with them. Eventually they grew trustful of her as she became one of the main warriors of the camp, alongside Mulan and Philip.

What Cora didn't anticipate, however, was Snow and her daughter traveling back to the Enchanted Forest. This was an opportunity, surely those two would know how to get to this new land, or atleast have a faint idea.

"Be careful. Hey, be careful!" A blonde woman says when Snow gets thrown onto the ground. "Hey. Come on, wake up." Dani, alongside her grandmother, watches in the shadows as the blonde tries to wake Snow up. "Hey. Can you hear me?"

Gosh, Daniela hasn't seen Snow in so long. They had never officially met, but Dani had seen her together with Regina. She seemed like the sweetest person ever, but Daniela also felt jealous because Snow got to spend so much time with Regina, while the young brunette only saw her own mother once a week at most. And when Cora told her that her father died because of something Snow White had done, she wanted nothing more than to kill the woman. But she had to resist... for now. At the moment, she just wanted to see her mom again.

"Do you need help?" Cora says suddenly.

"Who are you?" The blonde woman asks.

"A friend." Cora says as she steps out of the shadow. "My name is Cora." Her grandmother introduces herself as Daniela stays hidden in the dark part of the dungeon.

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